Posted on Dec 29, 2013
SSG Randall P.
I bring this up because I find it humorous in a way. &nbsp;I, on a daily basis, call any MSG I see a Master Sargent, even though I understand it is wrong. &nbsp;To give you an honest answer I have no idea when I started and have been corrected a few times, yet I never hear any complaints from who I am addressing as such.<div><br></div><div>I know that AR 600-20 1-6e Table 1-1 states plain as day what to address every rank by but I find that when I do address a MSG as such they understand that I say this out of respect that they have earned. &nbsp;Again, I find it humorous, wanted to know what the rest of the Army does.<br><br>I like Rally Point, in a way I feel like I can be a tad bit open with the military community, but do realize that what I say can be used against me.</div>
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Responses: 18
1SG Steven Stankovich
SPC Peaslee - You are good to go either way.&nbsp; I get addressed by both.&nbsp; I am sure that other MSGs do also.&nbsp; Heck, I still get referred to as "Top" from when I was a 1SG.&nbsp; Again, you're GTG either way.
SSG Randall P.
SSG Randall P.
11 y
I appreciate it, Master Sargent! &nbsp;(just trying to bring a little bit of humor) &nbsp;<br><br>So long as no one truly believes it to be a problem, I do not believe that it will get me into an serious trouble outside of a on the spot correction.&nbsp;<br>
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
11 y
MSG, I have a question for you. I've been in the same company for four years and we've had 5 1SGs in that time. I always see them even after they take off their diamond but it just feels so awkward calling them MSG or just Sergeant. So I just avoid them entirely lol. Is it acceptable to keep addressing them as 1SG? Last month I actually had my prior 1SG and my current 1SG together in the same conversation, most awkward moment ever!
1SG Steven Stankovich
1SG Steven Stankovich
11 y
I still call my old 1SGs, that have not been promoted yet to SGM or CSM, 1SG or Top.&nbsp; Sometimes it is just better to ask them how they would like to be addressed.&nbsp; No big deal at all.
SFC M1 ABRAMS Tank System Maintainer
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
For me its a respect thing I call a MSG a Master Sargent. I work in same building as some Marines now. They will call every rank buy what it is. Not shorted like us Army guys do. Every time they pass a SSG or SFC class it is Staff Sargent and Sargent First Class. We teach our soldiers the Marine rank as well. I talk to one of the Marine Staff Sargent's a lot. And no matter he still calls me by full rank. I even told him its not necessary. His response is you earned that title and rank. I started thinking it goes back to me calling MSG Master Sargents.
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CSM Infantry Senior Sergeant
Without question a moment of awkwardness at its greatest when you run into your former 1SG and see them as a Master Sergeant. For the little time I wore MSG rank most people addressed me as Top I guess with the assumption I had already been a 1SG and a few said Master Sergeant but no one just called me Sergeant. I'm not really sure why exactly.&nbsp;
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SSG Kenneth Davenport
In my opinion, you are not wrong for addressing a Master Sergeant as such being as though that is their actual rank they've attained, however it is the practice of the Army to address them as "sergeant". Myself coming from the Marines, has been trained to do that, so I undersatnd why it is possible. In the old school Army E-5 Sgts were referred to as "Buck Sgts" to dissiminate them from the upper ranking sgts. So I guess I'm saying from my experience in another branch, the Army is is pretty particular with stygmatizing in the rank structure I guess.
SSG Kenneth Davenport
SSG Kenneth Davenport
11 y
Spc Peaslee you can refer to them as Master Gunny, just don't confuse them with a SGT Major, as the Marines do not have a rank of Command Sgt Major.
Cpl Jackson Spurlock
Cpl Jackson Spurlock
11 y
In the Marines they are referred to as Master Guns!!!!!
CWO3 Retired
CWO3 (Join to see)
5 y
Cpl Jackson Spurlock - I would definitely not call your MGYSGT a Master Guns. It’s like call all Gunners Warrant Officers. Which is incorrect also. I remember back in the days a Camp Hague, Okinawa when I was with 4thBn, 12th Marines Comm Platoon that we had a MSgt name Jobe. I made the mistake of calling him Top and coming from a newbie he had my rear end until I knew the difference between a Top that you spin and a Master Sergeant of the Marine Corps. I had learned my lesson well. Eventually I made Corporal and was recommended by MGYSGT Jobe and our Co 1stSgt for the Regimental Promotion Board later on. Never forgot that lesson.
Semper Fi Cpl. Spurlock.
MSgt Jack Sigman
MSgt Jack Sigman
>1 y
CWO3 (Join to see) The “Top” thing varies a lot. The way it was explained to me is that if you work with someone regularly, you could use “Top”, but if you didnt, you used the proper title. I also see it more in non-Combat Arms, especially in the Air Wing. Ididnt care which was used as long as there was respect
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