Posted on Oct 21, 2014
PFC Infantryman
Take into consideration this scenario: The closest dining facility is only open for breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday, and some days not even those instances. Most new soldiers don't own a vehicle and their only other option for dinner and the weekends is either ordering delivery or the nearest PX (junk food) a mile away, which they're paying out of their own wallets for.

The other dining facilities on the installation either have similar hours or are on the other side of the installation (20-25 minute drive). Most of them you won't know are open or closed until you walk up to the door after you've already drove over there. I've personally had several instances myself where I would have to drive to three dining facilities in order to get food.

I've heard of a soldier passing out during PT come to find out he's been malnourished, and of soldiers paying someone else to drive them somewhere to eat. What say you Rally Point; any solutions you can think of?
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 4
SGT John Aldrich
Fort Bragg used to have a shuttle that would pick soldiers up and transport them to the closest open dining facility. I think that was done at the batallion level. Perhaps this is an issue best run up the flagpole and get a shuttle started from your battalion for the benefit of all soldiers instead of a fruitless attempt to extract money from the good old government tit.
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LTC Hardware Test Engineer
maybe I've just been lucky, but I've never been to an Army post that didn't have some kind of shuttle service that ran a loop to the chow halls. Never been to one where all the chow halls were closed at the same time. Even weekends and holidays there was always a chow hall open and a shuttle to get there.
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SGT Senior Musician
Edited >1 y ago
You can request separate rations. Refer to post policy for who the approval authority is. Sometimes its the company commander, sometimes its the battalion commander.
Fill out DA Form 4187.
Reasons have to be justified.
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