Posted on Aug 23, 2017
Is there a date set for the integration of ULLS-A(E) and GCSS-Army?
I've been told it's an integration and I've also been told that it's a replacement. I've also been told sometime in FY18 and also FY19. Can anyone offer any clarification?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
This is a great question and I'd first pose it to your G4. They should have a copy of the fielding schedule. AMCOM and Fort Lee have links on their portal as well with fielding schedules. With that said there is some homework on your units part. There is a ton of documents on line that I would start reading about the system. But to summarize what leaders need to understand is the synchronization of Maintenance, Supply, Distribution, and the Budget. As a former CAB SPO, I would not like the new system. I am specifically referring to TBO items. I could go on for days about this subject.
Here is a test question for you or your Sr. Warrant: How long does it take for your clerk to requisition a part and your SSA receive it from wholesale? I'd be interested in the metrics your unit uses to measure performance of the entire system. And final: do not put a Re-Frad CPT as your units CLIX Buget Officer. They will be the single line of failure in your system. Shoot me a note if you ever have questions as well.
Here is a test question for you or your Sr. Warrant: How long does it take for your clerk to requisition a part and your SSA receive it from wholesale? I'd be interested in the metrics your unit uses to measure performance of the entire system. And final: do not put a Re-Frad CPT as your units CLIX Buget Officer. They will be the single line of failure in your system. Shoot me a note if you ever have questions as well.
LTC (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - Congratulations on the promotion! Your PLL and Bench Stock will more than likely take a hit because units do not capture the demand and you will have to use Initial Issue as the source to supply it. I don't know your particular unit but some Aviation Units and some Warrants like to horde parts in their Golden Connex. GCSS ends all that. GCSS is a top down system where you basically must prove you need a part. That will be the issue when referring to TBO items. You have a great question- your units Maintainers will need to get intimately involved or you will see your units OR% hit 60 very rapidly. And then everyone in DoD wants to "assist" you. // as for the requisition process, I can tell you it is different from ULLS-A. Also, clerks must understand what they are requisitioning and follow the proper key inputs. I watched a unit at NTC for a week that followed a specific requisition, budget, distribution clock and they never received one part. The BN XO had a policy to have clerks order a part and then run a Follow Up. When you do that in GCSS-A it will cancel out the order.
SSG (Join to see)
I don't know how the supply chain works on active duty, but right now, as far as I can tell, the requisition starts with the clerk in ULLS, then it goes to the TASM-G, then to DLA or whoever the vendor is. The way that it has been explained to me is that GCSS adds a cog to that leaving even more room for orders to get overlooked or lost altogether.
LTC (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - It will add the COG called Budget. So here is a simple example: Unit X needs Y part and it is a valid request. The clerk will input the requisition. Now, this is where the Cloud come it. The part is held in a que for a time period set by the unit, it could be 24 hrs. If the part is not approved by 2 Budget Officers, the part will die in the system. There is a code on the 0-26 print as well for this. Or, the unit and parent Hq Budget ninjas will approve within a 4hr time frame and the part then will get referred to retail or wholesale systems. So, the issue is the budget guy. He or she will receive a pretty detailed e-mail on an Excel spreadsheet. They will mark which parts that approve and which parts they don't approve. But, tell me how many Budget Officers know what a Cold Secton is for a CH-47 engine or even an oven for your maintenance section. So, at first they will probably disapprove parts that you need. So, a TTP is to shoot an e-mail to the budget folks and let them know what you ordered and what tail number it is for. Hope that helps.
SSG (Join to see)
Hopefully I remember this when the transition happens here. Maybe we'll get things faster if the system works as advertised.
SSG (Join to see)
So far individual experiences have suggested otherwise on the non-Class 9 side lol
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