Posted on Oct 14, 2014
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
What is the funniest story you have when interacting with General Officers?

Mine was at a conference I charged with the task to "round up" the Generals and Admirals and put them in a certain order. Well all, with the exception of one, were the head of their service's reserve component with an additional 2 star from the Marine Reserves. So yeah.....I read the names off one by one going through admirals and totally butchering their last names...until I got to the Army Reserves Commanding General. I pronounced it....FLAWLESSLY....and of course the Admirals teased the General that of course I, an Army Reservist, pronounced his name right. I proceeded to read the list and butcher a few other names but pronounced others correctly. It is one thing to be teased by your peers but being teased by the head of organizations...well that was "special".
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Responses: 44
SSG Owner
In Germany this summer I was photographing some Soldiers, American and international. Without hesitation, I photographed the 7th Army CG as if he were just another troop. Once I realized he had stars, I saluted him and all, then kept doing my work. One of the German officers called me paparazzi. The entire three months I was there, I was introduced as paparazzi by the CG and CSM to department heads and the like. During my time there, the 7th Army CG moved to be the Deputy CG of US Army Europe. He still called me paparazzi. It wasn't until the end that I learned they both actually knew my name :)
TSgt Photojournalist
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
That is a great story :) I was assigned to Photograph Lt Gen.Grass at the time and follow around while he was here in Wyoming he was a great person along with his entire family I would do some photos and than play with his little nieces etc. well after the fact a bit later I received a letter form him and his wife with a coin in it but what got me was that they actually wrote in it and not a form letter than found out that he was chosen as the next Chief of The National Guard.
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SFC Mark Merino
General Cody (Mr Aviation, himself) presented me my PH and my youngest son was 7. As General Cody continued his speech, addressing the mostly Officer group, he turned over the discussion to the group and my tiny son took the reigns and started asking questions. General Cody was in awe of this little "leader" and allowed him to finish and said "You will make a fine Warrant Officer one day my little friend". General Cody presented him his Army Vice Chief of Staff coin and business card and told him to contact him if he ever needed anything..... "I'll remember you, little soldier." I asked him if he remembered chewing out a young crewchief on the flight line when he was the 101st Division Commander and he said "I wasn't going to bring that up, but I thought that was you." (11 years prior!) My son presented him my 4/6 ACS CAV belt buckle for doing our family this honor and he loved it, despite being an Apache lover. "I'm going to make this my new GO belt buckle!" Good times.
CW5 Desk Officer
CW5 (Join to see)
>1 y
I'll bet GEN Cody did remember you, SFC Mark Merino. I've found it's the sharpest officers who remember folks down the line. I've had interactions with senior officers who remembered me and even my name, years after we served together. I'm always amazed at their ability to remember stuff like that.

Thanks for sharing your story.
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TSgt Joshua Copeland
Getting shot with a electronically controlled nerf cannon by a 2 Star.

Maj Gen: Why is my Outlook slow when it opens?

SSgt Copeland: Sir, when it opens it has to load various modules, then sync..

Maj Gen: Stop right there... walk over to the wall and turn around and face me.

SSgt Copeland: Yes Sir.

While my back is turned he pulls out the cannon and when I turn around he proceeds to aim it and shoot me.

Maj Gen: I don't really care why it is slow, All I want to know is can you make it faster!
MAJ Brigade Logistics Officer (S4)
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
Well, he did ask the question... :)
TSgt Joshua Copeland
TSgt Joshua Copeland
10 y
MAJ (Join to see), that is when I learned it is just as important to answer the question they THINK they asked in addition to the question they ACTUALLY asked.
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