Posted on Jul 17, 2017
CPL Infantryman
Looking to get chaptered for apft faliure was left on a detail because I was going to get out re enlisted recently failed one apft not looking good for the second 6 days left bin doing remedial pt but still might be not passing the second requested 90 days to do the second got rejected previous shoulder injury long time ago (plate and bar ) besides get out and come back in any better options ?
Posted in these groups: P542 APFT
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Responses: 8
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Clearly you will need to pass the APFT (obvious), but I think that if you have an injury issue, you'll need to look into a permanent profile so you can do alternate events going forward.
The time to do that is not 6 days from a PT test, though.
You need to be up front with your FLL and the commander about what issues that you are having, and look into their willingness to work with you.
Seeing your question about bonus recoupment below, most bonuses recoup at a prorated amount if you are chaptered out. Your bonus amendment would stipulate this.
This brings up another reason to look into the medical angle - a medical chapter generally inoculates you from bonus recoupment (*there are exceptions!).
CPL Infantryman
CPL (Join to see)
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Thank you for the answer and yah the shoulder injury only Flair's up if I not doing the right thing (pt) but I have bin on this detail for 1 1/2 years now but I plan on passing this upcoming one so hopefully this won't be an issue
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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CPL (Join to see) - Good luck, Corporal. I'm pulling for you.
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SSG Squad Leader
Pass your PT test.
SSG Squad Leader
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One problem that I see is that there are a lot of guys that only worry about doing there minimum and that is it they don't try to train to do much more then that so life happens and they slip a little and fail. Your goal should be to max your Pt test every time I know life happens but that is what you should be working towards not the minimum.
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SSG Robert Perrotto
need some clarification first - when did you fail the APFT? second - if your injury was the cause of the failure, why did you not immediately go to your aid station to get it checked out? and last - why did you ever let yourself get out of shape, PT is a personal responsibility, the morning PT sessions are not designed to greatly improve you physically, more to maintain the current physical fitness status.

Gonna be a bit hard on you on this, this is a problem you created, and it is extremely difficult to fight this type of chapter as the regulation is absolutely clear on this. I got a feeling you are not telling the who;e story.
CPL Infantryman
CPL (Join to see)
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Oh and I have bin on this detail for 1 1/2 years because my birgade couldn't get anybody who could pass to replace me so I said I would stay
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
ok - the paper work initiating is par for the course, the paperwork should have started when you failed the first, ask and make sure that the one you are taking in a few days is a record APFT or just a diagnostic - you can be administered a diagnostic APFT at the Commanders discretion, which is usually par for the course as well, a monthly check to see if there is improvement. This is normal.

second, being on a detail is absolutely no excuse, accept the responsibility for your actions.

third, and this IS going to be harsh, sounds to me like you found a way to ditch a deployment, not cool.

last, your rear detachment is getting instruction from forward, this is not their call, but the actual command making this decision.

My advice, start looking at colleges - research what degrees you want to take and research the market value, Utilize your GI bill, you will get a stipend - (think it is the BAH rate of an e-5) APFT failure is pretty cut and dry chapter, good news is you will not lose any of your benefits, minus having to pay back Uncle Sam any signing bonus.
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
one other thing, if you pass this APFT, and fail any of the next three, they do not have to give you any more chances, they can just chapter you - something I think you need to know.
CPL Infantryman
CPL (Join to see)
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Thank you for your input
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