Posted on Jul 13, 2017
How many NCOs have had senior level officers directly and inappropriately interfere with their leadership?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
I've been lucky enough to have Senior Officers stay out of my lane and not interfere with my leadership. But then, I don't give them a reason to jump into my lane.
MSG (Join to see)
MSG Mark Million - Well, when a Soldier has a LTC protecting them, I can certainly see where the "untouchable" feeling comes from. I truly hate nepotism.
SGT John Hutzel
I know I am different but I have offered an ass whoopin to full birds, as long as I knew I was right and they were stepping on my toes.
SGT John Hutzel
I also do not recommend this approach, I was taught what ever your career can handle. My particular situation and level of sanity this was in my mind the only option, I suppose it went well because I did not receive any disciplinary action.
MSG (Join to see)
SGT John Hutzel - And I have used those words well throughout my time (after getting my head out of my 4th point of contact).
Except for one MSgt, I've never had a Senior Officer or NCO overrule anything I had even done in over 20 years in uniform. I took that up the chain right away with that MSgt and He was relieved of His position within two days as a result. (I was a SSgt at the time) I have however had some outstanding support from My seniors. I don't feel I did anything unreasonable and apparently they didn't either and both supported and said the same things I did. Most thing never got to their level anyway, I managed to handle and correct things at a lower level most the time. I also found that My support and standing up for My own people they would do things above and beyond what was expected because they wanted to. I gave proper respect to rank but was not intimidated by it, what is right is right, what is wrong is wrong. To get respect first You have to give respect and don't confuse that with having no backbone !
I have. With 8 layers of chain of command, I told my supervisor I was going to give Airman X a letter of counseling. My superiors didn't like that and basically ordered to verbally counsel the Airman and document it via MFR or it would come back at me cone evaluation time. I have many stories, this is just one of them.
SSG (Join to see)
I've seen that before. The E5 rater was doing a 4100 for the E4 SM, who was a coddled little twit that did nothing but second guess and back talk, but his mother was a retired CW5 and his retired dad had a little rank too. When the E5 did a proper, honest 4100, it got kicked back by the battalion and he was told by the 1SG and CPT to rewrite it in a more positive light and pretty much had his impending promotion to E6 hung over his head.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SSG (Join to see) - something that is 100% wrong assuming the lower rating was actually warranted.
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