I'm not sure I'm posing this question properly, and I'm also aware of the fact that there are still large numbers of people deployed(ing) to Afghanistan, and I don't want to take away from their trials and tribulations.<br><br>But.<br><br>I miss Iraq.<br><br>I miss being deployed.<br><br>I miss the non-garrison lifestyle. <br><br>Engaged actively everyday with a small group of trusted people.<br><br>Maybe it's just me.<br><br>Does anyone else feel this way or know what I'm getting at?<br>
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 19
Hands down, my deployment was the best part of my military career. People don't understand that when I say I'd do it again in a heartbeat, I truly mean it...I actually yearn for it in a way that I think would only make sense to someone in this kind of forum. Most others see it as some sort of exaggeration, insanity or false machismo when it's nothing of the sort. Talking about brotherhood in non military circles is cliche to outsiders, but it's the most real thing in the world when you've lived it with some of the finest guys in the world.
And don't get me started on being in garrison! Chaps doesn't need a bodyguard at the base chapel back home, so unless I'm at the range maintaining or improving my marksmanship or expeditionary skills, I'm wasting my time. Please, no more mindless self-directed learning courses! If I didn't fail my annual AT Awareness training the past 5 years, do I really need to take it over and over again?
I digress. All that to say: I know exactly what you mean and it's not just you.
CPT Pedro Meza
I have always told my current wife, the Taliban tried to kill me because it was business, but you are killing me and I suspect it is for your pleasure. One hurts the body the other hurts the heart, and body pains to me is better then the other.
I would say it is the high that you feel. We will never get a chance to feel that again for some of us. I went to Iraq twice and had two different experiences. I enjoyed both trips for different reasons. The bonds you forge while deployed are something that you will never get a chance to develop at home. It is something that is life changing. I attached an article I read a while back about this. It sums it up for me.

A year after coming home from a tour in Iraq, a soldier returns home to find out he left something behind.
CPT Pedro Meza
After returning from Afghanistan the only rush that I found was lane splitting on my Harley while driving on the freeways in California.
SGT Robert Hubbard
I guess in some way we all do, a lot of times we pick jobs that bring us back to the war. I guess being with BLACKWATWER ...Im guilty of it
SSG Phil Brown
I was in Vietnam, 2 tours, 11b2p 173rd abn bed, 101st abn div. i miss it and i’ve Been back to Vietnam twice in the last 5 years. I’m 100% ptsd. I feel lost now, i’m Getting older and i see some bad shit coming to America. I’m armed to the teeth and waiting for it. I wonder if i’m Sane.
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