There are plenty of other media sites to open up bogus accounts and flood them with George Carlin's "7 Dirty Words" and others like them. Please feel free to seek attention elsewhere if you are that bored. I assure you that we are all really impressed with your attempts at "humor." If you are looking for someone to actually listen to you, I'm a sucker for a good conversation and I'm a good listener....just ask my ex-wife. JK.
Edited 10 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 20
I came across a verified douchnozzle today, by the name of @SPC F*ckyoubigotty (etc.) Would this possibly be the oxygen thief you're talking about?
I kinda think it must be, since that asshat's name didn't pop up as I was trying to tag him (obviously).
First rule of the internet, don't feed the trolls. My excuse for feeding it is that I'm a noobie, and assumed that a verified member was not an actual skidmark.
I kinda think it must be, since that asshat's name didn't pop up as I was trying to tag him (obviously).
First rule of the internet, don't feed the trolls. My excuse for feeding it is that I'm a noobie, and assumed that a verified member was not an actual skidmark.
SPC Charles Griffith
Took me WEEKS to get Verified and there are VERIFIED FAKES ! ! ! ! ! FFS :( :( :(
RP has "professional" right on the home page. IMHO no one should be using their Joe Bagadonuts, Homey-in-the-Hood, FB or other "anonymous" site profiles. If you wouldn't do it on LinkedIn, why would you do it here? That being said, RP is fair and does give everyone the choice to do that if they wish.
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