Posted on Jun 30, 2017
PVT(P) Trainee
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Responses: 23
SGT Dave Tracy
Edited >1 y ago
I'm sure someone will be able to address the specifics of your question, but that's not where I want to go with my reply to you.

First, get thoughts like that OUT of your head!

The head game is often the most critical! I once failed a diagnostic PT test after being on profile, and my mind was not in the game. Midway through my run I thought that I wouldn't do well and was out of shape due to not working out much since my injury. It became a self-fulfilling prophesy and I failed the run by 4 seconds. But that wouldn't stand and I said "oh fuck that!" to myself, and the VERY NEXT DAY, mad at myself and knowing damn well I could do better, I smashed my run by more than 2 minutes!

On the physical side:

Focus on what you must do to pass. Put in the extra work. Find someone you can workout with and triage your workouts to focus on your weaknesses. If you suck at! Go for distances beyond 2 miles and paces progressively faster than you are currently comfortable with.

If you need to work on sit-ups and pushups, do those; but I would strongly add hitting weights at the gym. I'm a firm believer in augmenting sit-ups and pushups with weight training. Pneumonia--and months of associated coughing--also helps a lot with sit-ups, though I wouldn't recommend that! ;-)

Remember, get the negative thoughts out of your head first and foremost; they only serve to self-sabotage your efforts.

You can do it. Just work the problem.
SPC John Lebiecki
SPC John Lebiecki
>1 y
The response from a true NCO. Good response!
SGT Bryan O'Reilly
SGT Bryan O'Reilly
>1 y
Outstanding response!
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SPC Unscheduled Services Team Leader
1. Are you trying to get kicked out? Like ok you signed up you tried out, but coach won't cut you so you're just trying to find out how to get off the team? If so... I understand it's not for everyone thanks for trying out.

2. If you want to stay in, and this is your first record fail, your second one has to be a diagnostic. Which event did you fail and just focus on that event. Sit ups? Strengthen your core do planks and of course master the sit up technique.

Push ups? Only one way to get better... push. Again, technique is key!

3. Run, work on sprinting and long distance
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1SG Nick Baker
PVT (P)?
SGT Christopher Hayden
SGT Christopher Hayden
>1 y
Easiest Promotional status to achieve. That PVT to PV2.
1SG Nick Baker
1SG Nick Baker
>1 y
You are only promotable by being on a list. The first time would be E-4 to E-5. There are no waiting lists for E-2 to E4 promotions.
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