Posted on Oct 7, 2014
What is the dumbest thing you have ever done as a"cherry"?
It's easy to pick on the new soldiers and tell of the crazy cherry pranks we've pulled or seen. BUT... we've all been there! So, for fun, whats the dumbest prank that has been pulled on you and or what is the dumbest mistake you have every made as a new soldier the face palm kind of stuff we don't normally share. Honesty time!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
When I had my first ambulance run I was half sleep but excited. When the lights and alarms went off I jumped up put on my shirt and grabbed my radio and ran to the ambulance. When we arrived on the scene the fire department was already there and one of the firemen said "hey doc" I spoke back then he said "nice draws". I was like huh? Then he pointed down at me. I was so excited and in such a hurry that I had forgot to put on my pants.
I was new to my unit, and a lowly PV2. My first day in the motor pool as a 63T (BFV Mechanic), and the E4 in charge of my training began barking at me the minute I stepped foot in the MP. Had me so flustered that I didn't even stop to think how ridiculous the task he gave me was.
At double time, I hoofed it out to the platoon of Bradleys and started to carry out his orders: Get an accurate PSI reading from the wheels on the vehicle.
He had glued valve stems to each of the road wheels. I immediately realized then what the joke was and double timed it back to report to him that everything was a go for the vehicle. All wheels were within spec... at 0 PSI each!
At double time, I hoofed it out to the platoon of Bradleys and started to carry out his orders: Get an accurate PSI reading from the wheels on the vehicle.
He had glued valve stems to each of the road wheels. I immediately realized then what the joke was and double timed it back to report to him that everything was a go for the vehicle. All wheels were within spec... at 0 PSI each!
Allow the "Specialist" at my unit to get me drunk the night before the first ever APFT out of Basic at my new unit. Needless to say, someone had to wake me up while I was on the floor in the barracks, I think after streaking the hallways about 3 am. Way to much Michelob and while doing pushups in my new banana suit, I left a lot on the ground when I got up. I did pass, but not with a good first impression. A year or two later in that unit the morning PT formations had breathalyzers at the ready, but it wasn't my fault!
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