Posted on Oct 6, 2014
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
Posted in these groups: Imgres DeploymentPolicy PolicyHealthheart Health
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 36
SSG V. Michelle Woods
Guess what lucky PAO is getting deployed to support this very short-notice mission?

This girl right here. least y'all will be updated frequently...assuming I have internet access that is lol.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
Stay safe and come home safe SSG V. Michelle Woods. Prayers for you.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
PV2 Abbott Shaull
PV2 Abbott Shaull
>1 y
I don't think the U.S. Military should be involved in this.  There are so many more mission that we need to be ready to be focus on at this point.  We have civilian specialist that are suppose to handle this.  Let them figure this one out for themselves.  Let the military focus more important things at the moment.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Liberians really are doing what they can to help stop this from spreading. They have signs up everywhere informing people of where to go if they feel sick, signs and symptoms, as well as proper measures for decreasing the spread of Ebola.

They also have guards at many of the major shopping centers who require everyone to get their temperature checked before entering the building and rinse their hands with bleach water. Unlike other countries we've "helped", many Liberians are extremely grateful for our presence.
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SSG Jacob Wiley

USAID / WHO / UN / any other initials - they can all go. Why does the nation's fighting force need to go? Since when do we "fight disease"? What about real threats?

How can we validate sending 3K troops and $500M to another continent, at the same time as we further cut the military force (but hire illegals) and the pentagon "promises to seek pay and benefit reductions again"? Got money for sick African people, but we'll back-stab our American warriors and claim budget cuts!!!

Is it sad a bunch of folks are sick and dying? Sure is.
Do I really give half a damn as compared to what's going on in our own country that is in need of repair, but going ignored? Nope.

How does one contract Ebola? Bodily fluids from another person: saliva, sweat, blood, vomit, urine, etc. SO.....sounds like best advice would be QUIT F*#$ing and keep your AO clean. Sure, much easier said than done.

We've known how to prevent the spread of AIDs...still running around passing it along though.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Very true sir, there are many ways to defend our country. I would have less issue with helping other poorer countries if we could first fix our own plethora of issues. As a country we should be more concerned with our problems before trying to fix the world. Don't get me wrong if we did not have so many concerns at home I would be perfectly fine helping the rest of the world be a better place.

I didn't really look into it until you mentioned a long incubation, but it can take anywhere from 2-21 days to show symptoms (First symptoms are the sudden onset of fever fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, symptoms of impaired kidney and liver function, and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding - From the WHO website). So while I am certainly no doctor, (I have played the phone game Plague Inc lol) the simplest answer is to just ban travel to and from infected countries. Like Ssg Wiley said this has been ongoing for 8 months now, the world in general should be able to combat it from the outside.
SFC Jason Bautista
SFC Jason Bautista
>1 y
1970645 701549019929697 602385990288473679 n
Hope not...or this will be me.
SSG Jacob Wiley
SSG Jacob Wiley
>1 y
Exactly SFC Vyacheslav Ribalnik . In addition to the danger of the disease alone - these folks want to attack people trying to help?

F 'em.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
CPL Radzinski, interesting perspective...drastic as it may seem, it's possible we might just have to do it.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
I wonder how long it will be before Boko Haram figures out that they have the perfect biological weapon in their back yard.

I further wonder how long it will be before the world figures out they need a full containment/ quarantine protocol executed before that disease breaks out fully. We simply must shut down commercial flights in and out of the affected areas excepting aid and health care professionals.

I also think that the military forces deployed in the area need to be utilized to secure US citizens and aid workers in the likely event society breaks down and we need to get our people out.
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