Posted on Oct 4, 2014
CW5 Command Chief Warrant Officer
Can we meet our national interests in Europe if we continue to downsize? Is it possible that rotational forces can meet our needs? Does using a rotational force make financial sense?
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PV2 Abbott Shaull
We have tried a rotational force in both Korea and Europe at various times. Of course at those times, it done with Divisions strength level troops swaps. Now taking Brigades from the States over and back on a rotational basis. Is it doable and make financial sense? Well if we have Brigade Combat Team size element set of equipment there to fall on it would. Then you have to decide do you want to only send Heavy, Armor, Mechanized, Stryker, or Infantry. So you have to expand what you have sitting over little so you rotate what type of unit you want to send. Do I think an Infantry BCT or Stryker are capable of the Mission over in Europe. Organize correctly, with a competent Commander, capable staff, competent Battalion Commanders who in return have staff that know their shit, and they in turn have decent Company Commanders, they may be able to pull off the mission as well as if it was any of the three Heavy Organizations. Shoot I would even go as far saying put Light Infantry/Air Assault/Airborne Brigade with enough Aviation asset and vehicle to make the Brigade more than foot mobile. Would provide much more than speed bump, that they seem to consider as so much of the time. With proper intelligence, equipment, and little skill and luck anything is possible.

Now can we continue to downsize? Simple non-PC answer is a resounding HELL FUCKING NO!!! Going as back as like 1996. The cuts that were made in the Military after Desert Sheild/Storm made sense. They showed that the Army reliance on Round-Out unit to bring the 18 'Division' Army in the field was non-started. Anyone who had brains and common sense and been through basic/training at Fort Benning in the 1980s could of told you that before Uncle Saddam added the 19th Provinces. I mean when there were three National Guardmen who literally failed their final PT test, after 13 weeks of OUST (this extra free 5 week than normal), and they still passed out with the rest of Company due to the fact they were National Guard, already serving in their respectable unit back home.

Next we don't have the industrial base, or the for that matter the tax base to rebuild Military back to where it should be. Honestly, we need to see troop levels back to where they were back to 1996. Will we catch hell, more than likely, but heck we caught crap in 1955 when NATO was form, and West German Government was form. It will be another things that Russia and China can claim we are doing to be the aggressor while they are the peace loving people. Does anyone remember that bullshit bunk they use to try to spread, and rest of the world soaked it up. Well as for me, I can handle that, I may be able sleep a little better again. We as a country have gotten too soft, and people thing we don't have any enemies. When many of know there are far too many to count on two hands.
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