Posted on Jun 4, 2017
PO3 Aaron Hassay
Is it a double edged finite sword based on bootcamp operational idealism? or is it all of life real the indoctrination sacrifice suffering? but why do we have friction in this system if it is so tight with ultra specific reality indoctrination loss sacrifice reward reality? Still we must judge each individual and hope for the best.d
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Responses: 1
CPT Jim Schwebach
I'm not too good at relationships with other former service members. I've tried the veteran's organizations like the VFW and American Legion with little success and am no longer active in either. In both I found lots of cliques and little brotherhood. I've not joined the associations of the units I served with in combat mainly because there are not a whole lot of the folks I served with who are active in those organizations, I suppose most of them are not joiners either. The closest veteran friends I've had are those with whom I was friendly before I figured out they were vets too.
PO3 Aaron Hassay
PO3 Aaron Hassay
8 y
Thanks for writing what you did Sir. I find the idealism grand of uniformity team. It can be very protective the team uniformity against other teams of uniformity hence sports etc....But as individuals it breaks down in a real way as we are not robots uniform. I tend to have amazing strong emotional connections instant feelings if I meet another SM Vet. But then the individualism will shows its head. We end up going our own way. I am not a boy anylonger. I am a man who must examine. I have no family of my own to replace what that idealism is of service brotherhood sisterhood. It never left me those feelings adopted in bootcamp. Some senior guys in my unit were bullies in ways that disturb a young mans developing sense of trust long term. So I can see that playing in my life as I tend to be very reclusive unable to develop relationships longterm. I want to trust, but I seemingly don't know what that is like as I am waiting for bad things to happen if I let someone to close. But that can be a smart protective measure as well. Who wants to get hurt? But to be aware of being hurt as a fire that tempers steel is a unique theory. But health is better achieved in not running into fire. Then you might meet some in Va proceedings that leave trust hurt as well. Battling though it all trying to find the better chapter in this is what I continue to look for examine understand. Chapter 9 of my book will allow me to trust myself, love myself, and trust smartly. But maybe bootcamp just taught me to trust a concept and not the human. Then I realize I am a human. I think I am rebooting myself in a way. I think all these stories will be able to reduced into a few simple thoughts that will help others process. My dad was 68 Vietnam 11th Infantry I found out after I served Honorably in the Navy. Thanks for writing.
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