Responses: 32
No. Per the regulation, the service cap is authorized for Corporals and above, as directed by the Commander...
f. Wear.
(1) Corporals and above may wear the service cap as an optional headgear with the blue uniform. The beret is the
primary headgear worn with the service uniform by all Soldiers unless the commander directs wear of the service cap
(for corporal and above).
(2) Personnel are not required to wear headgear when wearing the blue uniform as a formal uniform to formal
evening social functions (after retreat). However, on all other occasions, personnel will wear headgear with this
g. Proper wear position.
The service cap is worn straight on the head so that the braid hatband on the service cap
creates a straight line around the head, parallel to the ground. Such positioning automatically positions the visor
correctly, so that it does not interfere with vision or ride up on the forehead. Personnel will not alter the shape of the
service cap in any manner
f. Wear.
(1) Corporals and above may wear the service cap as an optional headgear with the blue uniform. The beret is the
primary headgear worn with the service uniform by all Soldiers unless the commander directs wear of the service cap
(for corporal and above).
(2) Personnel are not required to wear headgear when wearing the blue uniform as a formal uniform to formal
evening social functions (after retreat). However, on all other occasions, personnel will wear headgear with this
g. Proper wear position.
The service cap is worn straight on the head so that the braid hatband on the service cap
creates a straight line around the head, parallel to the ground. Such positioning automatically positions the visor
correctly, so that it does not interfere with vision or ride up on the forehead. Personnel will not alter the shape of the
service cap in any manner
1SG Donald Elmore
I wore the Service cap from the first day I was issued the uniform. No regulation at the time specified that you had to be a Corporal or above to wear it. This is a Private E-2 in 1955.
1SG Donald Elmore
SPC Charles Batchelor - I wore the Service Cap all during my career from 1955 to 1975 with the O.D., Khaki and Green uniform. This me greeting the Secretary of the Army in January 1962.
Nope. Better try to get that lateral "promotion" to Corporal. Aren't you in the timeframe for being looked at for SGT? You might as well hold off a little longer and save your pennies to get that at the same time you convert your blues to NCO stripes. (Unless we all switch to "Pinks and Greens" soon)
According to Para 13-18f(1), DA PAM 670-1, it's only authorized for wear by Corporal and above.
MSG John Wirts
The service cap or saucer cap was the only terms I knew for that cap. The Garrison cap, overseas cap or the C**t cap was so named because it could be carried under the epilet, or under the belt, and it's resemblance to the female anatomy. I once bought a Garrison cap at a surplus store for my son on the receipt the female clerk wrote out one C**nt Cap!
SPC Charles Batchelor
I hated the Oversea cap it was the regular headgear regardless of location unless you were authorized a Beret by the time I was in. The Service Cap was not regular wear except by Officers and and I think some SNCOs.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
1SG Donald Elmore - It had been called the oversea's hat from at least WWII up into the early 1960's. within the Army. What We now call the service cap had been called the Garrison cap in an earlier day. The term garrison cap however now applies to what We had called the overseas hat. Other than certain elite groups I never though the beret should have even been used but that's My opinion. To have options on what headgear to wear I never had a very high opinion of either, the purpose of a uniform is to keep a unified appearance. Certain headgear belong with certain uniforms. PS: Even though I ended up in the Air Force in a specialty the does wear a beret, which I do wear properly as required My first Military experience was as a Cadet in an Army program.
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