Posted on Oct 1, 2014
CPT Detachment Commander
Completely neutral question - just seeking input across the Army.
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Responses: 9
SGT Daniel H.
The 1SG (in support of the Company Commander) and Company Commanders are expected to maintain 100% accountability of all company personnel. When I was on Brigade staff, even the Brigade Commander still turned in his leave and pass forms to the HHC 1SG, even though it was obviously just a rubber-stamp action, but there is still the accountability issue and the administrative considerations of daily strength reporting IAW AR 600-8-6, para 1-19. If not the 1SG, who would you rather turn your leave and pass forms into?
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CW2 Joseph Evans
The 1SG handles the DA-6. The CDR is the supervisor that is required to sign the leaves for his Officers, but they will still be routed through the 1SG upon signing.
Still, when you stop to think about it, there are some situations that seem patently ridiculous, like the BN CDR getting his 2 week leave request signed by his supervisor, the BDE CDR, before turning it over to the HHC CDR for final approval before going to the Company 1SG to take to the BN S-1...
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 3 y ago
For me ...the commander / 1SG relationships I had the answer is yes.
With us it was a division of duties, and managing personal was my duty.

Not to say I was "approving" an officer's leave .... but when a given officer could take leave was already discussed, announced and the requirements for that to happen known.

As that was all known beforehand, my "approval" on a DA31 was just an acknowledgment that the commander and I had seen, tracked, approved the event and the officer was in compliance with the ground rules for taking leave (NCOER/OERs on track, Awards, PCS, UCMJ actions on track, Country brief complete is needed, property accountability done and transferred as needed..ecte ct ect.

Other 1SG/Commanders may divide duties on other ways... leaving officer personnel a sole and direct responsibility to the senior officer.

As long as it is discussed, established and known to all .. there is no right or wrong for this question... IMHO
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