Posted on Sep 30, 2014
This is for the Marines/Corpsmen. How do you feel about Corpsman who went Marine Corps Regs?
Responses: 18
When I was a young Marine (first year or two), I had issues. But after multiple deployments and seeing the "Docs" living in the dirt like us and running up and down the line during a break in the force march, taking care of "their" Marines while the troops were sitting on their cans nursing blisters, those docs earned it. We loved our doc and made sure they were taken care of as well as they took care of us. And what made me respect them more was that all those FMF corpsmen VOLUNTEER for duty with Marines. So HELL YEAH!
Semper fi Doc! (reminds me that I need to track down my old Doc.)
Semper fi Doc! (reminds me that I need to track down my old Doc.)
Like most if not all Marines I have the utmost respect for Navy Corpsmen who serve along side us in the worst conditions. If there was any 'comforting' aspect about a combat situation, it was the certain knowledge that if a person was hurt, he would not lie unattended on the ground and that a Corpsman would come along soon with help. In recognition of their service Corpsmen should be allowed to wear the MC uniform should they desire as a special acknowledgement of all they mean to the Corps.
Our Corpsman went USMC Regs, much respect to him. He ran our runs, did all of our humps and got our asses home when we were in trouble. He also carried the PRC when our radioman couldn't hump it through. I have no problem with it whatsoever. He NEVER asked to be called or treated like a Marine, but like a Sailor who was there to be a brother. Most respected Navy Man I ever knew.
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