Posted on Apr 27, 2017
Is it still hard to switch from reserves to active duty?
I am a 12w (which I've heard they have been cutting down on in the active army) and I want to switch to 11b active. I'm a split op and still need ait which I will complete by the end of September. Could all i want be done before I turn 20 (12/31/18
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
I know that reserves and guard are mainly lumped into the same group. My husband has been in the guard for 6 years. He talked to 2 different recruiters over the last year. He recently got his approval and conditional release from the guard and is going active duty.
It is possible. I do know that it's a lot of paperwork and literally pretty much enlisting again. The most time consuming part is waiting on the paperwork to go through your chain of command to get approved. Once that's done and you have everything squared away, depending on MOS and how quick they get you into MEMPS (yes, you'll have to go again. But depending on the recruiter and how recently you did...ugh cannot remember the term right now but your physical pretty much you may not have to actually participate in the physical) and how soon they can ship you out.
Hope this information is helpful.
It is possible. I do know that it's a lot of paperwork and literally pretty much enlisting again. The most time consuming part is waiting on the paperwork to go through your chain of command to get approved. Once that's done and you have everything squared away, depending on MOS and how quick they get you into MEMPS (yes, you'll have to go again. But depending on the recruiter and how recently you did...ugh cannot remember the term right now but your physical pretty much you may not have to actually participate in the physical) and how soon they can ship you out.
Hope this information is helpful.
Have you spoken with your Recruiter about this? But so I understand, you are not 12W qualified yet?
SGT(P) (Join to see)
Yes sergeant I've been told by my recruiter that I have an obligation to complete AIT and afterwards attempt the DD 368 process.
MSG (Join to see)
SGT(P) (Join to see) - I've known Soldiers to renegotiate their contract to a different MOS, but those individuals were Pre_Basic. I would recommend a couple of things:
1) The next time you are at your Reserve BTA, make contact with your Retention NCO to see if they concur or not with what the Recruiter said.
2) Contact MEPS and ask to speak with a Career Counselor there to see if the Recruiter is correct or not.
If everyone concurs with the Recruiter, then yes you will have to finish your 12W training and then jump thru the paperwork hoops to get switched out. The danger of this, though, is that if you have a Bonus that is attached with the 12W MOS, then the bonus is gone and any monies you have already received may have to be paid back.
1) The next time you are at your Reserve BTA, make contact with your Retention NCO to see if they concur or not with what the Recruiter said.
2) Contact MEPS and ask to speak with a Career Counselor there to see if the Recruiter is correct or not.
If everyone concurs with the Recruiter, then yes you will have to finish your 12W training and then jump thru the paperwork hoops to get switched out. The danger of this, though, is that if you have a Bonus that is attached with the 12W MOS, then the bonus is gone and any monies you have already received may have to be paid back.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
Great thing I didn't accept the bonus. Thank you sergeant I'll attempt to reach my retention nco and follow your further directions. In all seriousness I didn't think id love the military life as much as I do now. Hence why i want to do all of this. Thanks again sergeant.
Look up Prior service Business rules !! then talk to your local recruiter.
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