Posted on Apr 20, 2017
What are your thoughts on military mentorship programs in the workplace?
I've had candidates in the past ask about any veteran/military mentorship programs that the company offers. Have you been a part of a military mentorship program? What are your thoughts on them?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
This is an outstanding question Danielle! I wish that I had a mentor when I was getting out of the military. Someone that could tell me what to expect when I get out, how to properly write my resume, how to articulate what I did in civilian terms and so on. I have mentored soldiers in the past and it's helped them get a step ahead when getting out or moving from one MOS to another. Sometimes just having someone to bounce ideas off of is all you need. Mentorship for military folks is very important and I'm always open to assist someone that wants to be mentored.
Danielle Gray I have not been part of a military mentorship program. I think this is an excellent idea. New hire veteran men and women could be paired with veteran mentors. In turn, the mentoree could pay it forward by mentoring new hire veterans.
Great idea. Brings the civilian and military sectors together. Provides the opportunity for screening potential prospects and is a great training experience. Thanks for posting.
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