Posted on Sep 18, 2014
CPT Aaron Kletzing
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Jessica lynch gets a medal
You may recall that Jessica Lynch was taken prisoner in 2003 after her unit took a wrong turn in Iraq and came under attack. The circumstances of her capture and subsequent rescue created controversy, especially in military circles, after the official reports initially submitted were proven inaccurate.

Anyway, I came across this article yesterday and it appears she is still on her road to recovery, doing physical therapy, speaking tours, and small films. She seems to be doing well, all things considered.

Out of curiosity, I am interested in knowing whether any RallyPoint members were in deployed units that were involved in any way in the Lynch situation. If so, I would love to hear personal accounts of what you remember from that time.

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Responses: 2
SFC Marcus Belt
Before I was a Senior PSYOP Sergeant, I was SPC Belt, assigned to B Btry, 5/52 ADA. The 507th Maintenance Co. was our BN maintenance company. We were a part of a larger convoy moving north into Iraq. My section chief got his head screwed up because one of his mentors (1SG Dowdy) was killed. A guy I'd gone to AIT with, SGT Donald Walters was among the KIAs. He'd been in the 14T course, but when he couldn't get a clearance, he reverted to his prior MOS, 92G, which was the only reason he was in the 507th.

I had only arrived to the battery in November, so I barely knew anyone at all, but I remember the that everyone from the BDE Commander (we were attached to 31st ADA) down to my BN Commander felt it.

Man, that feels like a long time ago. Most of my friends from then are out of the Army and I'm getting near the end myself.
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SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
Sir, I just read about this a couple days ago. Should be interesting to see what the movie is like. Many of the current faith based movies have been pretty decent. My family and I just watched "Mom's Night Out" and it was hilarious. We also saw "God's Not Dead" which was also very good. Highly recommend both.

I also heard Jessica had a bit part in another movie but don't remember which one.
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