Posted on Mar 15, 2017
MAJ Chief, Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Services
I had the question asked of me, and it was a no brainer. If I had the chance to meet any of the leaders of this country, I would take it in a heart beat. Whether my political or personal views aligned with them or not. This is especially true with ANY President. I have found there are people who disagree (especially civilians). What do you think?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 529
Capt Seid Waddell
Edited >1 y ago
I wouldn't walk across the street to meet either Clinton or Obama - but if I did meet them I would treat them with them professional courtesy.
LTC Stephan Porter
LTC Stephan Porter
6 y
Feel the same way!
SFC Bill Snyder
SFC Bill Snyder
6 y
I wouldn't meet Obama if he was buying the beer. He probably would get the money from some hard working stiff.
PV2 Glen Lewis
PV2 Glen Lewis
>1 y
I think I'll pass on all of them. The office of The Presidency deserves more respect than I could truthfully give any of them.
SFC Acquisition, Logistics & Technology (AL&T) Contracting NCO
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>1 y
Capt Seid Waddell Military decline, you bought that fiction too?
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LTC Public Affairs Officer
No, I wouldn't, and it is simply because I personally have no desire to meet and interact with people I don't agree with, regardless of their position, or former position. It is the same with celebrities, sports figures or everyday people...I just prefer like minded individuals. Of course, it might just be that I am not a "people person" and just meeting people for the sake of meeting them does not appeal to me.
2LT Infantry Officer
2LT (Join to see)
>1 y
It's hard to convince people that your point of view is worth having if you never talk to them. Some of my best friend's don't share all my ideas, but some have moved a little closer. Some are just say in their ways and I don't mind, they're my friends and I like em that way. We're living in a democracy, we have to talk to one another in a civil way if we want to work together make our country great instead of fighting or ignoring each other until the place comes apart at the hinges. Of course, I don't bother talking to people that disagree with me of they aren't civil - there's just no excuse for rudeness except bad manners and poor temperament, and I don't need that crap in my life.
SGT Squad Leader
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>1 y
2LT (Join to see) - Bro, you know your point of view is worthless while you're serving. If you tried addressing politics while speaking to the president you would receive an article 15 if you were lucky.
GySgt Thomas Lieb
GySgt Thomas Lieb
>1 y
If you're serving you can have no opinion (out loud). When you're civilian you're all opinion. I agree with the member above who said we need to be open minded enough to meet and find common ground. When we wall off we start thinking our fellow Americans are all idiots (or half of them, anyway) and that's not true and not a good place to be. In the days gone by we had lots of hard held and hard-headed opinions on politics but stayed friends. We need that now
CPT George Langley
CPT George Langley
6 y
That is an interesting attitude and deserving of some respect, but how are you going to learn something new? How are you going to defend your own ideas if you don't know what the other ideas are? Know your enemy, and even learn something from him if only to use it against him more effectively.
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Edited >1 y ago
MAJ (Join to see) - While there is so much personal and partisan spite on this website - the plain truth is that I find it an honor to be invited to brief or have the opportunity to observe up close and personal any US President - whether I agree with their personal or political behavior or not. President Trump is no different. I disagree with his personal and political behavior - but that is not going to cause me to give up the great opportunity to meet and try to persuade him whenever possible. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
Anne Handler
Anne Handler
>1 y
I would meet with our current President.
SPC Ken Sawyer
SPC Ken Sawyer
>1 y
CEO3 J.D. Walker just what do you think his attitude is toward minority’s? Is it the way that he bought a golf course where blacks Mexicans and Jews couldn’t join then once he bought it he opened it up to them. Is that’s what you disagree with? Or is it because one of the presidents of one of his largest companies is a black woman? Oh wait I know it’s because he saw a homeless black woman sleeping in a doorway at Trump towers and that mean racist kicked her out of the doorway. In face he GAVE her an apartment in Trump towers where she still lives today having never paid a dime. Is that what you object to?
SFC Platoon Sergeant
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SFC Mamerto Perez
SFC Mamerto Perez
>1 y
Now that's what you call Brotherhood.

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