Posted on Sep 13, 2014
MSgt Electrical Power Production
Because bombing was ‘Not Act of Terrorism’. If you look into the details, The President actually never said it was an act of terrorism.
The President said this:
“Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians it is an act of terror.”

Now, the Treasury Department has given its imprint on the perspective as well. And they haven’t “certified” it as an “act of terrorism,” either.
The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, which was passed just after the 9/11 attacks. It’s a federally-administered and underwritten insurance program for terrorism-caused damage, designed to be relatively inexpensive but to compensate policy owners in the event of a man-caused disaster. The law’s details state that insurance losses must exceed $5 million to be certified as terrorism, and so far only $1.9 million in claims have been issued. That actual terrorists blew stuff up, killed people, and caused damage is only part of the equation and not sufficient to make an “act of terrorism” determination. The rest of the critical factors depend on the dollar value.

The FBI defines terrorism as activities that:

“Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;”

“Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and”

“Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.”

So do you think that the Boston Marathon should be classified a "Act of Terrorism"
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Responses: 5
CPT Aviation Combined Arms Operations
Absolutely, but at risk of saying more than I should about our Commander, In Chief, I'll leave it at that.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) I understand sir.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
CPT (Join to see), Discretion is the better part of valor. ; )

Until such time that you have the freedom to speak your mind freely , the veterans can express what you're thinking but aren't at liberty to say. We have your back.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Politicians have this funny way of looking at things when it comes to spending money domestically. How many million to spend on the border crisis? How many billion on reminting money, yet to ease the pain of a few hundred Americans horribly hurt, maimed and disfigured by foreign nationals on US soil exploding bombs, they're haggling over the definition of "act of terrorism"??? Michael Foxtrots, all of them.
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
>1 y
This story is sickening to my stomach !
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes a very sad situation.
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
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