Posted on Feb 28, 2017
What AR covers the individual OCIE turn-in time frame?
Someone got booted from the Army, but never turned in their OCIE. Individual is stating that according to AR 725-50, the Army has 6 months to recover said OCIE or it's a loss. Need guidance from Supply folk here.
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 7
"What AR covers the individual OCIE turn-in time frame?"
I think the simple answer is you cant find a negative
You will not be able to find the AR that covers Ingesting canteen cups for recreational use.
Because no such reg exists \>
I believe the same is true for your question. "OCIE turn-in time frame" There is no reg, because that is not a "Thing"
An individual is responsible for turning in all equipment issued them that is not otherwise listed as a non turn in item (cold weather underwear).. There is no "time line" in an AR because there is no limitation, near term or far just is...You are responsible, turn it in.. or be found financially responsible.
And to that guy that says "Screw you, I don't work for you any more, I don't get a paycheck from you, what are you going to do?" Check with the IRS and see if the service does not still have a route they can financially recoup losses though. ..Yup,,, they do, and have.
I think the simple answer is you cant find a negative
You will not be able to find the AR that covers Ingesting canteen cups for recreational use.
Because no such reg exists \>
I believe the same is true for your question. "OCIE turn-in time frame" There is no reg, because that is not a "Thing"
An individual is responsible for turning in all equipment issued them that is not otherwise listed as a non turn in item (cold weather underwear).. There is no "time line" in an AR because there is no limitation, near term or far just is...You are responsible, turn it in.. or be found financially responsible.
And to that guy that says "Screw you, I don't work for you any more, I don't get a paycheck from you, what are you going to do?" Check with the IRS and see if the service does not still have a route they can financially recoup losses though. ..Yup,,, they do, and have.
AR 735-5, 14–27. Personal clothing and organizational clothing and individual equipment
a. The commanders of Active Army, USAR, and ARNG members, and ROTC cadets are responsible for initiating
financial liability investigations of property loss when property issued from a CIF becomes lost, damaged, or destroyed,
and none of the methods cited in chapter 12 can be used to obtain relief from responsibility. Additionally, the
commanders of USAR and ARNG members and ROTC cadets are responsible for initiating financial liability investigations
of property loss when property issued from a clothing initial issue point becomes lost, damaged, or destroyed.
b. The following applies to the loss of personal clothing and OCIE when a USAR member, ARNG member, or
ROTC cadet stops participating in training sessions (unsatisfactory participant whose whereabouts is unknown), and
has not returned their personal clothing and/or OCIE. Also, applies to active duty personnel in dropped-from-roles
status whose OCIE is not available for turn in.
(1) DD Form 200 will be initiated. The initiator will complete DD Form 200, blocks 1 and 3 through 11. The DD
Form 200 will be forwarded to the approving authority for assignment of an inquiry and/or investigation number in
block 2 and then forwarded to the accountable officer for assignment of a document number. The accountable officer
will assign a document number in block 17a, and complete blocks 17b through 17f, and forward the DD Form 200 to
the approving authority.
(2) Before the approving authority makes a decision to hold the individual financially liable, the DD Form 200 must
first be reviewed by the servicing office of the Staff Judge Advocate for legal sufficiency. Once the legal advisor
provides a legal opinion saying there is legal sufficiency to hold individual financially liable, the approving authority
will complete blocks 14a through h, and insert the following statement in block 14b: “Member or cadet (insert name,
grade if applicable and SSN) is held financially liable for the amount indicated in block 8, less depreciation allowed in
this regulation.”
(3) The approving authority will forward one copy of the completed DD Form 200 to the servicing FAO or USPFO
for collection. The DD Form 200 will be forwarded under a transmittal memorandum requesting acknowledgment of
receipt and verification that the DD Form 200 was processed for collection.
(4) If the FAO or USPFO cannot make collections because no pay is due, the DD Form 200 will be forwarded to
the servicing claims office for collection. For USAR Soldiers for whom no pay is due, the DD Form 200 will be
returned to the approving authority, who will take the following actions:
(a) If the charge is $250 or less, a copy of the DD Form 200 will be filed as an uncollectible debt in the financial
liability investigation of property loss files. A copy will be mailed to the U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center, 9700
Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63132–5200 for inclusion in the respondent’s permanent record.
(b) If the charge is more than $250, a copy of the DD Form 200 will be forwarded to the Defense Finance and
Accounting Service-Indianapolis Center, Department 80, Indianapolis, IN 46249–0001, for collection.
a. The commanders of Active Army, USAR, and ARNG members, and ROTC cadets are responsible for initiating
financial liability investigations of property loss when property issued from a CIF becomes lost, damaged, or destroyed,
and none of the methods cited in chapter 12 can be used to obtain relief from responsibility. Additionally, the
commanders of USAR and ARNG members and ROTC cadets are responsible for initiating financial liability investigations
of property loss when property issued from a clothing initial issue point becomes lost, damaged, or destroyed.
b. The following applies to the loss of personal clothing and OCIE when a USAR member, ARNG member, or
ROTC cadet stops participating in training sessions (unsatisfactory participant whose whereabouts is unknown), and
has not returned their personal clothing and/or OCIE. Also, applies to active duty personnel in dropped-from-roles
status whose OCIE is not available for turn in.
(1) DD Form 200 will be initiated. The initiator will complete DD Form 200, blocks 1 and 3 through 11. The DD
Form 200 will be forwarded to the approving authority for assignment of an inquiry and/or investigation number in
block 2 and then forwarded to the accountable officer for assignment of a document number. The accountable officer
will assign a document number in block 17a, and complete blocks 17b through 17f, and forward the DD Form 200 to
the approving authority.
(2) Before the approving authority makes a decision to hold the individual financially liable, the DD Form 200 must
first be reviewed by the servicing office of the Staff Judge Advocate for legal sufficiency. Once the legal advisor
provides a legal opinion saying there is legal sufficiency to hold individual financially liable, the approving authority
will complete blocks 14a through h, and insert the following statement in block 14b: “Member or cadet (insert name,
grade if applicable and SSN) is held financially liable for the amount indicated in block 8, less depreciation allowed in
this regulation.”
(3) The approving authority will forward one copy of the completed DD Form 200 to the servicing FAO or USPFO
for collection. The DD Form 200 will be forwarded under a transmittal memorandum requesting acknowledgment of
receipt and verification that the DD Form 200 was processed for collection.
(4) If the FAO or USPFO cannot make collections because no pay is due, the DD Form 200 will be forwarded to
the servicing claims office for collection. For USAR Soldiers for whom no pay is due, the DD Form 200 will be
returned to the approving authority, who will take the following actions:
(a) If the charge is $250 or less, a copy of the DD Form 200 will be filed as an uncollectible debt in the financial
liability investigation of property loss files. A copy will be mailed to the U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center, 9700
Page Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63132–5200 for inclusion in the respondent’s permanent record.
(b) If the charge is more than $250, a copy of the DD Form 200 will be forwarded to the Defense Finance and
Accounting Service-Indianapolis Center, Department 80, Indianapolis, IN 46249–0001, for collection.
MSG (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - I spent about an hour doing the same thing last night before I posted the question. I had the same results. I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
SSG (Join to see)
Either we're both blind or it's not in there MSG (Join to see). I even tried using the different combinations of words from organizational clothing and individual equipment and came up with nil.
I may be mistaken but if they didn't return their OCIE, they couldn't out-process and if they did, would the unit just dock whatever pay they were due i.e. unused leave?
MSG (Join to see)
The individual in question was a Reservist and was Chaptered out of the Army. Shortly after receiving discharge orders, he moved out of state for a few years. Now he has moved back, but he is stating that the Army had 6 months to recoup the equipment otherwise it's to be written off as a loss. My BN tells me that if he doesn't turn it in, he will get a bill.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
MSG (Join to see) - and if they wanted to be...unrelenting, they will charge him full price and garnish his wages to do it.
CSM Thomas McGarry
That would seem right except I know a soldier that was in the Reserves who was slated for deployment and because stop loss had been lifted and he had over 20 years in decided to retire. He had received all the gear required for deployment (sleeping bag, gasmask etc) and when he was informed his retirement papers had come through called his old Supply Sgt several times and left messages etc that were never returned. This occurred in 2011 and I'm sure he either still has the equipment or it's at the local Surplus Store.
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