Posted on Feb 28, 2017
PO3 Ron Hinton
Lost security clearance because they said that I had bad credit. I had re enlisted for 5 more years at my second duty station. But then they told me I was out. I desperately need to get back in on active duty. I miss it. And I felt I had a real purpose in life. I need some help getting my code upgraded. I was not a bad or anything. Please help you guys and gals. Thanks
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Responses: 22
SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 8 y ago
"Is it possible to reenlist with an RE-4 (honorable discharge)?"

RE-4 - Individuals separated from last period of service with a nonwaiverable disqualification (refer to AR 601-280). Ineligible for enlistment except as provided for in paragraphs 2-7c and 2-7d. (See waiverable moral and administrative disqualifications.) Disqualilication is nonwaivable.

So NO you can't unless the need out weighs the available, then maybe.... but likely once the need is no longer (draw down) there you'll get the boot anyway.

What was your time in service when you separated? How many years and months total active service?
RE-4 is typically given for very negative reasons. ....... "having bad credit" is not the whole story..sorry, just not. unless something went wrong.
Each service has a e Administrative Discharge Board.. Hire a lawyer and PROVE your RE-4 discharge was erroneously given... thats the only way discharge codes are upgraded.. So a SM discharged on Chap 14, but later its proven they had a documented and provable case of Severe PTSD service related and untreated MIGHT get a discharge upgrade... MIGHT.

You have no obligation to tell us the rest of the story and background that lead to your RE-4 discharge code... but doing so and verifying your account might lead others here with knowledge and experience to better offer assistance..
however, unless something went terrible wrong in the admin process (it happens, see example ) or the criminally negligent leaders that pushed for and approved it (it would have to be a conspiracy, not just a single commander) ... Those with an RE-4 earned it. And those that earned an RE-4 are not needed in the Military service. There are simply too many available without that baggage. If it was an unjust discharge, get it changed and get back in.....
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
4 y
CPT Christopher Autumn
Thanks for the suggestion to check myself sir
I did just that and I’ve come to the conclusion my 28 years of experience culminating as a senior enlisted person in 1st Cav division as the G3 SGM and my check MYSELF position is I stand by it

my observations are accurate my experience relative to the topic and I stand by my statement with a few exceptions I outlined clearly for those willing to read
Those who have a reenlistment code of RE4 earned it
If you have knowledge of an outlier I wouldn’t be surprised but that doesn’t alter my personal observations over 28 years.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
3 y
The only caveat I would add to this conversation (which isn't applicable to the PO's situation) is that not ALL re-4s are bad. Retirees ALSO get an RE-4. Once you retire, you're done... Unless the service ASKS (or demands) you to come back.

Got my RE-4 in 2017. Also got my e-mail from HRC in 2020 asking me to come back and help with COVID. (They ended up not using me, but I was on standby for 3 months.)

Again, not applicable to PO situation. But wanted to clarify that not all RE-4s are based on bad things, as implied throughout.
SA Elishia Morse
SA Elishia Morse
2 y
I got discharged honorably re-4 for being prescribed ADHD med by a base physician. I had a waiver for ADHD itself. I'm currently waiting to hear back from MEPS going from navy to army. What do you think they will say.
SSG William Craddock
SSG William Craddock
3 mo
NO ! Those whose Honorable Discharge indicates RE-4 Re-up Code didn't necessarily "Earn it". Recent to my forced Retirement I'd completed ALC at Ft. Lee, VA in mid 90th Score % on all areas evaluated. This was followed by myself plus Squad being selected for COVID Logistics Support Mission, plus unscheduled Riot Duty in a leading role resulting from George Floyd's In-Custody Death. I tried pursuing Fraud, Waste and Abuse Claims with both OTAG in Sacramento, as well as a similar Complaint with the NGB in Washington, D.C. to no avail.
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MSG Inspector General
No, Re Entry code 4 means no re entry period. You lost your security clearance and were unable to fulfill your obligations in your MOS, that's why you got an Honorable with the RE code 4. If you can fix the financial problems that cause you to loose the clearance, you can request an upgrade on your RE code. This process is long and takes lost of effort and leg work. I seen RE codes change from 4, but you must do all the requests. There is a DD form, you can send to request the change, I want to say DD form 149, but is been to long since I left recruiting and dealt with this issue.
LCpl Ian Tielking
LCpl Ian Tielking
8 y
(OTH RE4) Reason: Pattern of misconduct. I was in the USMC. Immediately you see that and see "shit bag" or a fcked up individual. Imagine the what that does to ones mental state, life...., friend's, family, kind of a big dark cloud hanging over you. Bottom line people make mistakes that's what makes us human, and you pay for the choices/decisions/lapse in judgment or whatever. I would love to get that opportunity just one more time in my life to put back on the Cami's. For other RR4s reading, you fcked up, I fcked up, there is like 99.9% we won't be taken back, but I can't tell the future.. Only chance of us getting back in is determination a good lawyer lol. Or maybe that one recruiter that actually listens and gives a fck about your situation. Just remember to there are stories, reasons why things happened the way they did. Let me say that if you have a TOXIC coc, that despise you does not help situation for either side.

Semper Fi.
SGT Dukesta Haas
SGT Dukesta Haas
6 y
You are not correct. I have an Re Entry code 4 and that is not at all the case. Feel free to email me at [login to see] to get the real story
SN Steven Fittro
SN Steven Fittro
>1 y
I have an RE-4 for "Weight control failure" Honorable Discharge. Don't know which type of clearance I Secret or Top Secret, but, I do know that in for me to work with the Hoover Dam Police Department in 2008, I needed to have at least a Secret clearance.
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Cpl Justin Goolsby
Can you enlist without a security clearance? Each job has a requirement of what type of clearance you need. If there's a job without a clearance level, that might be your best bet and I'd probably talk to a Prior Service Recruiter for that information.

But like you said, you weren't bad, you just had bad credit. Unfortunately, bad credit makes you a security risk because it means you are more likely to do illicit activities to settle up your debt.

But I would definitely talk to a Prior Service Recruiter because especially with bad credit issues, I believe those things stay on your record for 7-10 years.
PO3 Ron Hinton
PO3 Ron Hinton
8 y
Ouch wow I never knew that. I want//wanted to be a lifer I. The navy. I understand the risk. But since I've gotten out I've fixed my credit and my score has got way up. Is there a prior enlistment recruiter hotline or number I should call??
Cpl Justin Goolsby
Cpl Justin Goolsby
8 y
PO3 Ron Hinton - I'd probably just go to a recruiters office and they should be able to put you in contact with someone.
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