Posted on Sep 7, 2014
Can anybody explain to me how is SGT Morales (a fictional character) board equivalent to SGT Audie Murphy board?
SGT Morales, SGT Audie Murphy boards
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
The Sergeant Audie Murphy and Sergeant Morales Clubs are two prestigious organizations within the Army that derive from separate backgrounds but meet a common goal of recognizing the best NCO's in the Army. As President of the Sergeant Morales Club in USAG-Bavaria Germany I realize that it takes talent for individuals to get through the nomination process and inducted but it takes commitment and character to maintain the standards thereof. I always tell every single candidate that undergoes the process the Medallion does not make the individual; the individual makes the medallion. The true benefits of these clubs are not self promotion or recognition, but upholding Army values and contributing vast amount of hours back to Soldiers, communities and organizations outside of one's footprint. These clubs develop Non Commissioned Officers to better their knowledge base, records, and leadership style through a constant funnel of wisdom from Command Sergeants Major and Leaders in the community that SAMC and SMC members are privy of. If anyone ever gets the opportunity to partake in this nomination process take full advantage of it, now more than ever!
SGT(P) (Join to see)
SFC Garcia, is there a mentorship program between soldiers in the SAMC and the SMC, and soldiers looking to be developed into strong leaders?
SSG (Join to see)
SGT(P) (Join to see) - I can't speak for every club on every post but every club I have been involved with has open meetings where any soldier of any rank may come and approach members for mentorship.
SSG David Peters
I was wondering if you have records dating back years of Board Inductees as I have lost a lot of my paperwork through out the years as well as my medallion! and how I could possibly recover these documents?
MSG Brian Berger
I was working on getting my replaced years back and then they just stopped answering my emails, so I gave up. I was inducted in 1992
The funny part about this that a lot of people don't know, is that the Sergeant Morales Club is actually older than the Audie Murphy.
Neither is superior to the other, the process is still the same regardless.
I think a better question would be why do people make a false assumption that people who attend these boards are in some way superior to others?
I know of plenty of piss poor leaders that were groomed by "friends" and attended these boards merely to assist them in promotions. I have also seen quite a few do things that would have gotten the average soldier hammered but due to their affiliation it was swept under the rug. Luckily many on the selection boards these days were not part of the good ol boy group and can see through it and are getting the trash out.
Audie Murphy was a great soldier, but only during war. His life outside of uniform is not something that soldiers should emulate. As for SGT Morales, well it's fiction, enough said.
I think a better question would be why do people make a false assumption that people who attend these boards are in some way superior to others?
I know of plenty of piss poor leaders that were groomed by "friends" and attended these boards merely to assist them in promotions. I have also seen quite a few do things that would have gotten the average soldier hammered but due to their affiliation it was swept under the rug. Luckily many on the selection boards these days were not part of the good ol boy group and can see through it and are getting the trash out.
Audie Murphy was a great soldier, but only during war. His life outside of uniform is not something that soldiers should emulate. As for SGT Morales, well it's fiction, enough said.
SSG (Join to see)
CW2 (Join to see) - 1SG, I was only commenting on what you said about board knowledge, "knowing the muzzle velocity and other random facts either from promotion/SOM/SAMC/etc type boards doesn't make you a better leader." this is absolutely a true statement however SAMC boards should not be designed this way. I have heard some boards do tend to be fashioned in this manner. It is unfortunate but it is at the presidents discretion. Preparing for the Audie Murphy board absolutely made me a better leader, going to club meetings and being mentored by SAMC members was the most valuable mentorship I had in the 14 years I have been in. All that being said I don't mean to infer that you think the opposite. I just wanted to add perspective to the conversation. It does irk me that non educated NCOs former or otherwise still feel the need to spread negativity about the club and organization. Audie Murphy absolutely had great and long lasting accomplishments after his service ended but certain individuals only want to focus on rumors or a few questionable character flaws. I can pull up several news articles about Command Sergeants Major who were corrupt and even a SMA who retired as a MSG for legal reasons but I don't go around telling anyone who will listen how horrible every CSM is and they should "get the trash out"
SFC (Join to see)
SGT Morales although, not a real person. The story embodies all of the great things that a great leader should be doing. The fact that the character is made up is so that no one could through stones at him or her for the mistakes that a real person would make, such as an Audie Murphy, or a George Washington or a Colin Powell. All were great leaders but had real life and real world issues through out their lives. You can do that with a Sgt Morales as his story is just an embodiment.
1SG Danny Vorreyer
SGT Morales is a Leaders and Soldiers Role Model. I am not sure about the good old boy that is mentioned. In 1979, I was the only Leaders from my Division to join the Morales Club. I rode a bus with about 14 others, none except myself were selected. Most leaders to this day cannot even come close to the level that was expected then. 34 years and 11 months later, I continued to exemplify the traits of the Morales Club. I will say this as well, once people know that you are a real Morales, then I got challenged everyday, especiallyx by Senior Leaders. Don’t take your roles lightly. The after the board is what they invested in. So be the leader, the mentor and the Model you exemplify. If you can’t you’re not a Morales or a Murphy.
CW2 Barry Dyar
The original organization was formed by Gen Blanchard, then Commander of Europe and Nato Forces in the mid 70's. Later after he left command I believe the Audie Murphy was formed to replace it. I was inducted in about 1977, CW2 Barry Dyar
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