Posted on Feb 4, 2017
PO2 Robert M.
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Responses: 224
Lt Col Jim Coe
No! Twitter allows Pres Trump to communicate unfiltered with the American People. It provides a new means for the President to use the "Bully Pulpit" to influence public opinion. Best of all, it cuts out the liberal media. Presidents who exploited new media have often been most successful, for example, Pres F.D. Roosevelt using the radio for "fireside chats" with the American people and Pres Kennedy understanding the dynamics of television during his debate with Mr. Nixon.

On the other question about national security: remember the President is the ultimate classification authority. If he releases information to the public, then it is Unclassified. I'm confident Pres Trump will exercise due regard for national security information in composing this Tweets.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
PO2 Bill Reardon - That is a common misconception, having been enlisted as well.
PO3 Wayne Stewart
PO3 Wayne Stewart
6 y
SFC Tony Bennett Sir it sounds like your talking about the Clintons.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
SSgt (Join to see) - DISCLAIMER: I still cringe when I read some of these tweets. I prefer a little more polish.
That being said, I now believe that his tweets are most likely a tactic specifically designed to drive his opponents to distraction. The more agitated they are the more likely they are to slip up and reveal what they really are thinking and planning.
SN James MacKay
SN James MacKay
>1 y
Before Face Book and Twitter, we always knew that there were delusional, unhinged, and ignorant people in the world. With these new social media, such individuals bare bared themselves to the world, revealing who they really are. The President is no exception in this regard. Without social media, we'd never really know him. Keep those tweets coming.
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SN Greg Wright
No way, no how. Media has proven time and again that they're biased, dishonest, and have little interest in reporting the news as-is. Twitter lets him communicate directly with the people.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
SGT Charles Hanson - your statement is true on the face of it, but the reality is that what passes for journalism today is a far cry from unbiased.
CPO Chris Kellar
CPO Chris Kellar
>1 y
SGT Charles Hanson - What you do not understand, the media is there to report the news, not tell us how to think, but that is what the media is trying to do.
PO2 Bill Reardon
PO2 Bill Reardon
6 y
CPO Chris Kellar - like Fox News is gleaming example of truthful journalism
CPT Keith Whitter
CPT Keith Whitter
6 y
Recommendation: Read "Unfreedom of the Press" by Mark Levin. Really paints a dim picture of the bias of the media. The President has every right to speak out. I admire his tenacity and persistence. Most people I know would buckle under the pressure of being constantly attacked with innuendos and outright lies. When you see a hit piece of the President don't just go with the headline - read the piece to the end and you will see that the sources are anonymous, or that the headline is an outright false statement not supported by what is headlining the piece. Better yet, ignore the media, find the actual source documents to review, decide for yourself and get on with life and leave the political BS to the politicians.
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GySgt Melissa Gravila
This is his way to communicate directly to the American public- if the media can't deal with it, too bad so sad. They will get over it, I already have
1stSgt Edward Jackson
1stSgt Edward Jackson
>1 y
I'm sorry you feel that way, Petty Officer. It is the Trump tax cut that allowed corporations to modernize and hire new employees. Remember, many companies gave thier employees a $1,000, or more, bonus after the tax cuts were passed. The shared thier new fortune with thier own employees.
The fact is it is the rich people and families of America that are the employers in America. They and the stock holders own these companies.
All of our military forces suffered huge cuts under the Obama Administration. The Marines were salvaging old parts from airplanes in the boneyard, the Navy had many warships that could not put to sea, the Air Force had to cut flying hours because there were no parts, The Army didn't have enough money for training. Even the Coast Guard didn't have enough cutters available to put to sea or patrol our harbors.
Puerto Rico got all the aid and supplies needed to recover from the hurricane. But corrupt local politicians refused to distribute them, kept many for themselves, and let people die. Just a few weeks ago, some 11,ooo tons of bottled water was found on an abandoned airport runway. The date this water left Florida by ship was just 10 days after the hurricane hit. President Trump sent what as needed, but local politicians thought they could make a political embarrassment for him.
Mexico will pay for the wall, and it will get built. The wall will cost about $25B, and $2B was funded in FY-18, with another $6B in FY-19. There are several ways Mexico will pay for the wall. A tax on cash wired to Mexico, confiscating drug lords funds, etc. There is also a movement to cut all but emergency medical aid to the estimated 12 million illegal aliens in the US. That will save over $55B, more than enough to build the wall along our 2,000 mile long boarder.
Where has he cut social security or medicare? I am on both (as well as Tri-Care for life) and I have not seen any cuts under President Trump. Now I did see massive cuts under the Obama Administration. Perhaps that is what you were think about?
Don't believe everything you see or hear on the news. They have demonstrated they are biased, and I do include CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News as well as the alphabet network news and the newspapers.
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
PO1 Kevin Dougherty
>1 y
Outside of the corruption, Puerto Rico poised special problems. First, everything had to be brought in by ship, or aircraft. That mean that unlike a mainland storm, thousands of utility trucks and supplies could not be mustered and on scene in hours if not days. Second, that meant that before anything of significance could come in the airports and harbors had to be restored and rendered safe by Sea Bees, Army Corps of Engineers and USCG personnel. Last but certainly not least, the humid tropical climate requires different, well pretty much everything, for the electrical grid. The wire, poles, transformers, etc. we use up north cannot be shipped down there. What there was in suitable reserves was committed inside of a couple of weeks. The rest had to be shipped as it was made ... which brings up what may have been the biggest bottleneck, port capacity. The port was running at 100% capacity with ships waiting to unload for months.
SGT Charles Hanson
SGT Charles Hanson
>1 y
A tweet by POTUS is official government position. He doesn't belong on twitter.
SN James MacKay
SN James MacKay
>1 y
Unless one is reporting on the death toll from a multi-car accident, or something similar, there is no such thing as unbiased news.
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