Posted on Jan 31, 2017
What are "Joint Points" and why do they matter?
Responses: 2
According to today's criteria, yes. Back in the day it used to be joint was the kiss of death because boards couldn't assess the value vs. "a real job". Promotion board precepts changed to "shall not be disadvantaged", which made it neutral. Now it's considered a pedigree item. And accordingly, the Army puts a thick Reg together about it to essentially remove some of the job reviewing officers do when looking at your record. Always important to ID the pedigree requirements early so you have time to do something about it. Here you have to be shrewd sometimes in dealing with the flesh peddler shop and get meaningful assignments to check that box. Be wary of stuff that happens to deflect you from getting your points in. Not having a full up pedigree makes it easy to toss you at the third crunch board wise.
To clarify, I'm deployed at a Joint Base with Navy, Air Force, Marines and even Coast Guard involved in our operations. During our RIP/TOA, they discussed "Joint Points" and the process to get them approved. Apparently you get so many points for each joint exercise, brief, etc. I've been in uniform over a decade and I've never heard of this before. Can someone spin me up on this?
MAJ (Join to see)
LTC Joseph Gross I'm not in a joint billet, however according to my peers the joint exercises we conduct qualify as experience based credit.
I would be interested to see how this plays out in the ARNG. Outside of Title 10 tours or possibly a billet at our state's JFHQ, I'm not sure how a Guardsman would accrue enough points for it to be meaningful. After further reading, it looks like there is required resident PME as well to be joint service qualified. I may have to reach out to a mentor of mine at NGB and see if he can offer an ARNG perspective on Joint Service Qualification.
I would be interested to see how this plays out in the ARNG. Outside of Title 10 tours or possibly a billet at our state's JFHQ, I'm not sure how a Guardsman would accrue enough points for it to be meaningful. After further reading, it looks like there is required resident PME as well to be joint service qualified. I may have to reach out to a mentor of mine at NGB and see if he can offer an ARNG perspective on Joint Service Qualification.
MAJ (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see) I found this during my research on the topic. It's an ARNG publication but it does discuss how to apply for credit. It may be worth a look.
Sgt Dale Briggs
My sons AF been Army Support forever, he's now ahead of the promotion curve putting on E6 under 7. Currently with 2/2 Styrker in Lewis - McChord. That was a tough jump to Tech on the first opportunity.
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