Posted on Jan 30, 2017
What's been the hardest part about transitioning from the Military to Civilian employment?
Responses: 35
Difference in work ethic. Difference in mannerisms when dealing with supervisors. Keeping a stronger control on your tongue and thought process.
Recognition of transitioning as a process that is slow and dependent on the field for which I seek to enter. The duration of the process differs across fields, industries, and public or private career paths. I envision transitioning as similar to a ruck march. The only way to finish is to put one foot in front of the other.
Taylor Driesell
100% Anthony. That's a great outlook. I would also recommend to everyone transitioning to go to meet up/networking events in the area to make connections.
Most issues I found during my second career were starting again proving your value. As with the military, those senior to you falsely believe they know more than the "newguy". You have to work your butt off to pass them up, while being promoted over them and becoming an impact player. As the old saying goes, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."
Taylor Driesell
Love the saying, my grandfather, Lefty Driesell said that all throughout his coaching career!
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