Posted on Jan 22, 2017
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Is America still exceptional? Is the hate speech that began during the election season now a habit that we can't break? I am avoiding most social media site because no matter where I go, news, social media, I am overwhelmed by the hate expressed by both sides. The hypocrisy and disinformation or misinformation is upsetting to a patriot. Since you have all mostly served in the Armed Forces, lead on
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Responses: 30
Capt Tom Brown
Thank you Col Rebecca Lorraine for taking the lead by putting your finger on a very sore spot in the American psyche. What you have described is a spot of cancer which could very well grow and kill the patient. Extremists on both sides jump to fuel the fires very easily started in the minds of many many people.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
8 y
I am giving both views a thumbs up for objective, polite and respectfully stating views and thoughts on the highly volatile issue. Maj (Join to see) & GySgt Melissa Gravila
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
8 y
I like the views also. I have been reading what went on in Washington over the weekend and the main speakers , Madonna and Judd were pure disgusting. I never did understand the purpose of the march..
GySgt Melissa Gravila
GySgt Melissa Gravila
8 y
Capt Tom Brown - Thank you for the thumbs up Sir- if we want to change the world it has to start somewhere- it might as well start here, with me.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
8 y
GySgt Melissa Gravila - Thank you sister. It is the many folks with your thoughts and beliefs which can and do make America great.
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COL Jon Thompson
We have always had our divisions but for me, it seems like we have been more and more divided every 4 years since Bill Clinton was elected in 1992. The unity that came from 9-11 disappeared all too quickly and we were back to partisanship in our government. I thought that President Obama had a chance to unify the nation but the Democrats forced Obamacare in a very partisan way. That led to Republicans gaining both houses of Congress. But with this election, it definitely seems worse. Unfortunately, the only thing that I believe would unify us would be another Pearl Harbor type attack from a nation-state. I am interested in hearing from the Vietnam era veterans on here to see how this compares to what our nation went through in the 60's and early 70's.
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
8 y
COL Jon Thompson I served from 1968 to 1972. After leaving Vietnam, I went to Okinawa for four days to pick up my uniforms, get shots, etc. While I was there, a Marine arriving from my unit told me that one of my closest friends had been killed right after I left country. That was a bad shock. I wore my uniform when I flew so that I could fly military standby. When I arrived at LAX, I was again shocked by the hate that I encountered at the airport. For a very long time, I did not trust some civilians. I could not stand the protestors then, and I can not stand the protestors now. Instead of protesting, volunteer at a homeless shelters or some other positive activity to make your community a better place.
SPC Douglas Bolton
SPC Douglas Bolton
8 y
Exactly what we need to do.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
8 y
Well, I qualify as that Vietnam era veteran but don't see the same situation. Back then hatred was directed primarily only at the military. If you were military you pretty much traveled in civilian clothes and kept a low profile or found yourself targeted for repercussions. However during this time the average citizen regardless of political affiliation was pretty much proud to be American and believed that politicians were working for them. That is not the case in todays environment as I see it. The hatred I see today is focused on the inability of congress to govern and the perception that all they want to do is push agendas and is strongly divided along party lines. How to get politicians to unify for the good of the people who elected them is above my pay grade, but is what must happen if we will ever become unified again.
Sgt Bob Leonard
Sgt Bob Leonard
8 y
I'm a Vietnam era Vet ('70-'74). I didn't experience a single instance of Vet Abuse during my entire enlistment. Even when in uniform.

I went to Tech School at Chanute AFB, Rantoul, IL. It was an easy hitchhike to the University of Illinois campus in Champaign-Urbana, a trip I made almost weekly for six months. By my appearance, dress, and demeanor, I obviously didn't 'fit in', and sometimes, in conversations with students and locals, it would be mentioned I was AD Air Force. It would occasionally start some interesting conversations, but no one abused me physically or verbally.

More than once during that time I traveled to and from SFX, in uniform so I could fly Military Standby. The only "threatening crowds" I encountered were the Hare Krishnas who thought that because I was AD I had plenty of money to donate to them.

I also out-processed through Travis AFB, outside of San Francisco, and, still in uniform, flew out of SFX, (of course, that was Feb, '74, and we were pretty much disengaged from VN by then and, therefore, not so much anti-war activity).

From a pseudo-philosophical standpoint, I tend to reject the notion that the President can create and/or heal the divisions we're seeing now. The President (whoever he/she is) is more an indicator, not an instigator.

When you get sick and have a fever, the fever is not the disease, it's the symptom that indicates you have a disease, and probably have had it for one to several days already. In that analogy, the President is the symptom that tells us we're sick, while the disease resides in us, the electorate.

Yes, he will have four years to help to diagnose and treat the disease, but his election and the reasons for it are just the indicator of our National health.
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Capt Retired
It rests with us. Someone must show responsibility in what they say and do. Cues may come from the top but actions have to start by all.
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