Posted on Jan 13, 2017
SPC Infantryman
Rank, suggestions
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Responses: 74
SGT David T.
It really doesn't matter. I was a SPC and I maxed the board. I got my CPL later and hated every minute of it. You are only a NCO when it is convenient but treated like a SPC the rest of the time. At least that was my experience with it.
SGT Team Chief
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I hated being a specialist, more so after getting promotable. I had the responsibility of an nco, but, not the duty. I was in charge of 24 soldiers, signed for over )30 million in equipment, but, not trustworthy enough to be given nco duties. Hated being a specialist
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SGT Infantryman
If you're a CPL, you've already been identified by your chain of command as posessing the qualities of an NCO. You ARE and NCO at that point although some would tell you that you aren't a "real" NCO but if that were true, the rank wouldn't appear on every NCO chart with the creed. It sets you apart from the rest of the pool of Specialists, some of which will appear at a board after being Command List Integrated and the unit feels like they have little choice but to send them. If you have the chance, get the stripes, but BE an NCO, don't just wear the rank. CPL was absolutely my favorite rank. I don't know what other rank says above average as much as CPL in the Army.
SPC Infantryman
SPC (Join to see)
8 y
Totally agree with you Sgt
CPL Modesto Macia-Perez
CPL Modesto Macia-Perez
8 y
Agree, I was given a lateral promotion to CPL and went to the board a few months afterwards and I believe it looked better and it gave me NCO experience for when I got my third stripe.
SGT Richard Cranium
SGT Richard Cranium
8 y
Very well stated. CPL by the way, can be one of if not THE hardest rank to hold.
MSG Construction Engineering Supervisor
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
Probably the best answer I've seen.
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SPC Erich Guenther
No it is going to depend on duties assigned. CPL as Team Lead vs CPL as CO's Driver? Which do you think the board would view more favorably for leadership? So you mentioned in another post you were vehicle commander and in a E5 slot. OK, BTDT, but you know that is kind of expected of a SPC or CPL that they will assume that role in combat if the SGT gets hit right? While it will add a plus to your board submission what they are really looking for is above and beyond leadership stuff such as time as Squad Leader or Section Leader. Potentially time in other areas as well, perhaps as assistant Armorer, Training NCO, etc where you are also getting exposed to admin features of running an Infantry unit. Have you done your first counseling statement as a leader yet? Have you done EIB station training as a leader yet? Stuff like that.
SSG Security Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
PO3 John Wagner - A CO Driver is not a Leadership position so therefore should not be a CPL if they are its a BS lateral promotion more for ego. Just like in S1 giving a SPC CPL because they cant make points
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
8 y
I know that however, since as we have covered in another post all service members are doing the job which is given to them it doesn't behoove me to denigrate anyone in that fashion. A civilian driver cannot be admitted many locations which CO's must go. Furthermore in many cases that CO's driver may be required in areas which have active conflict going on. That driver must then do double duty as an armed guard and potentially an escape car driver.
The fact that many will never see such duty falls once again under the same heading as giving members who do not serve in combat the same respect.
Is there perhaps a personal beef or jealousy raising it's head here?
My advice in that case is old and wise. "See the chaplain."
PO3 James Bobiney
PO3 James Bobiney
8 y
Cpl get shit on from both sides, lower enlisted and NCOs. I was a Cpl for two months my first time at Ft Hood in the 80s. But only because my Sgt squad leader went awol and Top told me at cob Friday that he wanted me to have Cpl rank on my uniform Monday. No promotion ceremony, no paperwork. So naturally there was no formal record of it. But I didn't get shit on as bad as some because everyone liked me. lol But I honestly don't see the point anymore in having two E4 ranks.
CPL Dave Hoover
CPL Dave Hoover
>1 y
There are not 2 E4 ranks, E4 is pay grade and pay grade only. CPL and SPC are 2 different ranks, 1 pay grade.
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