Posted on Aug 30, 2014
Do you know the military history of your basic training unit?
I'm watching GLORY right now and reminiscing about my basic training unit. (NO, I did NOT serve during the Civil War!!!) I went to basic at Fort Benning, GA back in early 1990. We were the Echo "Gladiators" of 2/54 INF. Basic training units are RICH in history. The 54th Massachusetts was the first all black unit (Infantry) that our nation created to help turn the tide of the Civil War. What was your basic training unit? Bonus points if you know the history of it.
Edited 10 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 62
Here's a little history from my PI training platoon DIs. One of them SSgt Lameruiex was in the 1965 Dominican Republic fracas. At the height of the shooting he and another Marine were up on a rooftop intentionally drawing sniper fire. Every time he was fired on he would stand up and wave a rather large red flag. Those of you from the Marine Corps will recognize this as "Maggie's Drawers" that signifies a miss on the rifle range at PI. It is the ultimate embarrassment for a Marine rifleman. He was featured in either Look or Life magazine in a series of photos pulling this stunt. This is what Marine DIs are made of!
Army - Delta Co., 4th Bn, 10th Infantry Regiment at Fort Leonard Wood in 1994.
Air Force - Hotel Flight, Commissioned Officers Training at Maxwell AFB in 2006.
Navy - Sierra Company, Officers Development School at Naval Station Newport in 2009.
I know I'm a glutton for punishment. I've been through initial entry training 3 different times in 3 different services. I think I'm done jumping around though. At 43 years old I don't think they'll let me join up anywhere else. Although I am currently the chaplain for a Marine artillery battalion and as a Navy chaplain I can serve with the Coast Guard also, so maybe I'll get all 5 branches under my belt. :)
Air Force - Hotel Flight, Commissioned Officers Training at Maxwell AFB in 2006.
Navy - Sierra Company, Officers Development School at Naval Station Newport in 2009.
I know I'm a glutton for punishment. I've been through initial entry training 3 different times in 3 different services. I think I'm done jumping around though. At 43 years old I don't think they'll let me join up anywhere else. Although I am currently the chaplain for a Marine artillery battalion and as a Navy chaplain I can serve with the Coast Guard also, so maybe I'll get all 5 branches under my belt. :)
Sgt Dale Briggs
Saw a stat rating the toughest training locations, Hollywood had the highest injury rate , PI was second slightly behind. Not sure how they correlated injuries to the toughest training, but marching all day on the hard deck surely cause some shin splints.
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