Posted on Jan 3, 2017
MAJ Bryan Zeski
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Responses: 21
SSgt Christopher Brose
I was in the intelligence community for a decade. If I was Trump, I'd be skeptical too. There is no telling how many Obama ass-kissers there are in the intel field that might be pushing an agenda to support their boss -- or because they're liberals, or because they just don't like Trump.

There is just too much inconclusive stuff being pushed as hard facts, and not enough evidence. And there has been NOTHING presented that gives us any reason to disbelieve Julian Assange and Craig Murray when they say it wasn't the Russians who were the source of the Wikileaks info.

It doesn't help that the liberal media pushes lines like "the Russians hacked the election." I'm still waiting for a plausible theory that doesn't involve the Russians being the source of the Wikileaks info or the Russians hacking our voting system in any state.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
8 y
some went "all in" yesterday because it's now on the Congressional Record, which means mostly nothing because everyone in DC is working on their own agenda as well as that of their donors, mostly that of the donors it seems, just wish the focus were back on the citizens and the Nation as we would all be better off and much happier, a life is a terrible thing to waste
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CSM Thomas McGarry
Distain for the Intelligence Community? I think he has shown much less distain than Hillary has or would have had she become POTUS!!
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Capt Jeff S.
Edited 8 y ago
I'm dubious of the agency's findings. They have been playing politics and seem to be interested in backing up the Administration's narrative which is essentially "It's all somebody else's fault. If those Russians didn't hack Hillary's server and expose our criminal deeds, we would have won the election! How dare they think they have the right to tell the truth about us and change the outcome of our election!!!"
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
8 y
Seems the Russians are just the latest group to blame failures on. the politics that have entered these agencies have made them ineffective ! I guess there are no more " The buck stops here" Harry Truman types out there, now there is always someone else to blame !
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - And Wikileaks, which has not lied once, is saying that it was not the Russians nor was any foreign state involved. Go figure!
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