Posted on Dec 27, 2016
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CWO2 John Markiewicz
Three or Four Months after medical board in late 1983 I was sent home to await orders and retired in April of 1984 on TDRL and finally in November of 1986 on the PDRL, however, paperwork got screwed up and it took almost a year (early 1985) before I saw my first retirement check even though I was retired for both medical and for longevity reasons. Glad to say this is not normal, but was pretty frustrating being disability retired with 23 years of service not receiving any compensation.
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SSgt Boyd Herrst
My first board was by the AF in October '77, I was put on TDRL(Temporary Disability Retirement List) for 1-1/2 years. I was retired January 1978. In April
'79 I went for eval at Wright-Pat Regionl AF Med Ctr. Them goofballs recommended I be put out on the street with just a Mdical discharge and let the VA have me.. I busted my arse, did all their tests... I contested, got to go to Texas at Lackland
AFB the board said "those clowns comments were contradicting, neither could agree with each other. The board there at Lackland put me through the Grinder again. End result: they kept me on list another year.. On 1st 1-1/2 year, I went to Community College, got a lot done on my Vocat-rehab. On that extension I finished up my
Assoc. Applied Sci. Degree(Culinary/Restaurant
Management degree. Those clowns at Wright-Pat made no mention of my doing good in school to make myself better.. never paid attentionn to
Endorsement letters by the Chef instructors..
At Lackland they looked at and read all of that.
The next summer I went to Wright-Pat. Had my answer back 2 weeks later and was back on
Active duty in September 1980.
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MSG David Holmden
I was Med retired in 2014, depending on your ratings will depend on who's paying etc.. Myself received a 80 DOD, 90 VA rating, DOD sent me a portion of my check that was taxable then I received a check for the rest from VA that wasn't taxable. Don't know if I was lucky or what but my pay never skipped a beat from leaving active duty to retirement. Since they've started with the med board process with VA involved with the board they've came a long way.

Hopefully this helps
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