Posted on Dec 14, 2016
Graduating from "A" School fairly soon. What should I expect in the fleet? What are some good tips for being a successful sailor?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 25
Welcome to the ranks. I started out as an E-1. The biggest thing to realize is most things that you'll start on is for a reason. I had my 90 days in the scullery before they retroactively pinned E-4 on me. You learn by doing and the first thing is keeping things squared away. It's critical for shipboard life. You'll learn habits. I was an O-5 aboard an LCC and would always stop to pick a piece of trash off the deck or clear the way for a sailor with a load. You get into these habits so everyone's life is a bit easier and more importantly, safer. Your positive attitude and willingness to heave to will get noticed. Be visible, not invisible. If you have a spare minute, help your shipmate lift that load into place. Actually make the spare minute to do that. So much of your success and reward will be directly tied to how you do your job and how well you take care of those around you. Enjoy the journey.
CPO Bill Penrod
PO2 Robert Moore - I have to agree with Captain Ball. Just like to add for him to keep on to of his quals. Welcome to the fleet Sailor.
PO1 Edward Pate
Captain you are the kind of officer it was always a genuine pleasure to serve under. I have used such folks and a few of my civilian management as examples as I moved into leadership positions.
Never pass up an opportunity to listen and learn. That is why we have two receiving devices and only one sending device.
Attention to detail, particularly in your rating. Start work on your quals as soon as you can, don't wait. Always be willing to learn, and especially be willing to be wrong, if you are. There's nothing wrong with occasionally being wrong -- only if you don't learn from it.
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