Posted on Aug 21, 2014
2LT Bolc Student
I’ve always wondered why “things” in the DoD are in a seemingly constant state of change. Has it always been this way? Adaptability is key and of course we must always improve, but I’d like to understand the reason behind a lot of the changes that seem superfluous at first glance.

Two examples off the top of my head:
- PT is now “PRT”
- Full Spectrum Operations is now Unified Land Operations

I can think of a few more, but what similar changes can you remember from your experience in the military?
Posted in these groups: Doctrine Doctrine
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Responses: 6
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Call me Gumby! I've seen 3 changes in PT uniforms, 3 changes in duty uniforms, 2 changes in dress uniforms, stupidity in the chapeau department, 4 different electronic forms software packages, OOTWA, asymmetrical warfare, MDMP, the disappearance of the FEBA, the retirement of the Fulda Gap Scenario, and that doesn't count all the equipment evolutions in electronics in 20 years as a Signal Officer.

Army of One, my a$$. More like Army of Change - don't blink, you might miss one.

...And the Army, keeps rolling, along
MSG Wade Huffman
MSG Wade Huffman
10 y
Wish I could give you more thumbs solely for for the comment "stupidity in the chapeau department'! LOL! Couldn't agree more!!
CWO2 Shelby DuBois
CWO2 Shelby DuBois
10 y
LOL..22 year USMC career...just for nostalgia and watch the young guns wince,  we talk about all the aircraft we saw come and go... or how we implemented the very first e-systems, phasing out paper, vids-boards, tele-autowriters, word processors...etc.. Like .. 1st time we used a PC to track aircraft maintenance, and the OIC and CPO of the Matl Control shop insisting on printing a screen shot every time they made a change to a document.
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SSgt Stephanie Luck
My biggest complaints are all the new polices we have to implement but we aren't getting rid of any old ones. I can't keep track any more. It's never-ending! So many higher ups feel the need to make their mark instead of simplifying the processes. So frustrating!
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Col Squadron Commander
Flexibility is the key to success :)
Lt Col Director Of Operations
Lt Col (Join to see)
10 y
The phrase "Anytime, Any Place" is the motto one must adhere to in order to be successful.  You have to be ready to jump on opportunities and take the lead.  Nothing is ever certain. With an ever changing global climate, being able to ebb and flow will showcase your commitment to the mission and your strengths as a leader.
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
MSG(P) Michael Warrick
10 y
Yes it has been and the military will always be changing !
MAJ JohnK Wright, V
MAJ JohnK Wright, V
10 y
I once heard our Engineer Brigade Commander give a speech, where he said that not once in his career did he try to get a certain assignment or task.  His philosophy was basically, "Bloom where Planted".   It was something that stuck with me to do the best that you can do, make the job better than when you took it over, and in doing so, you will be taken care of in your career.  Maybe idealistic, but I liked it.
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