Posted on Nov 9, 2016
Do I put broken equipment on a shortage annex?
I am creating a shortage annex for some equipment I am signed for. My issue is that I have all the components on the end items list HOWEVER most of the equipment is do I annotate that I have no missing equipment or list everything that is broken on the shortage annex?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
No. If you have it on hand, it isn't a shortage. There are other methods on how to get equipment fixed. Of course, this is up to your commander. You should take his or her guidance. I hope this helps.
Great question SGT(P) (Join to see), tells me you want to do the right thing & are being a good steward of Army equipment! Get the inspected and if it is unserviceable, you will get the inspection documantation and condition code tag which will allow you to turn it in (most likely trhu the S-6/IT smart guys or directly to DRMO) - chances are you will sign it over to the Supply SGT and he/she will turn it in and get the turn in documentation which is the authorization document that proves the shortage. You are on the right track of keeping accountability of your equipment - same thing for weapons or Bradleys or other equipment.
SGT (Join to see)
In addition, depending on class of the component, class 9 orders and DRMO scrap fields are your friends. There's an awesome one at Bragg beside the DA Photo office. I used to go there just to backups and learn new equipment.
SGT(P) (Join to see) Negative. A shortage annex is for missing components of a piece of equipment. Great question.
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