Posted on Aug 15, 2014
WOCS: What areas did you focus on that helped your success in Warrant Officer Candidate School?
Responses: 6
It's been said already but time management is def a huge bonus. Work on PT and a lot of it as well as getting out a rucking with I would say at least 60lb ruck the requirement is 48 but once you add water it's more like 60. Get with a land nav guru and practice practice practice those are the two most failed tasks. Create study groups it make the academic time go faster. Lastly no matter what you do it will never always be right prepare yourself to have thick skin when it comes to the TAC officers and student leadership!!! Most of all have fun and learn from your peers and TAC team it's no longer a gentlemans course as the army draws down so will the warrant officer fields it's hard so be ready to focus :)
Several areas you can focus on that will help the transistion is physical fitness, a open minded approach to a group setting( everybody knows everything but none of the answers are the same), show respect for all at all times, don't take a ego, learn how to prepare(format) memos, prepare for a fast paced environment(time constraints is part of the training) and last but not least remember training is just that training. Go in with the attitude that you are going to succeed and don't take anything personally.
SSG Williams,
First congrats on getting selected. The main thing you need to focus on is time management and being a team player. You will not have time to fully complete anything.Also, support the student leadership because you will be in a leadership position and you will want them to support you. Trust me it'll fly by and you'll have the "dot" on in no time. I went through 5 1/2 years ago and seems like I just graduated yesterday. Good Luck and have fun!
First congrats on getting selected. The main thing you need to focus on is time management and being a team player. You will not have time to fully complete anything.Also, support the student leadership because you will be in a leadership position and you will want them to support you. Trust me it'll fly by and you'll have the "dot" on in no time. I went through 5 1/2 years ago and seems like I just graduated yesterday. Good Luck and have fun!
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