Posted on Nov 7, 2016
Have you ever used your military status or affiliation to your benefit?
Responses: 25
Sure. Half the certs needed for an MMD I got from my time in the Navy. Last year a friend who owns a pizza franchise called me up out of the blue on Veteran's day and told me he was sending a delivery person with a free pizza. It was a nice surprise, made even better when I tipped the kid roughly the cost of the pizza (20).

Suspended Profile
back when we had base stickers on our POV a cop or three might have given me a break for speeding. Once or twice.
PO1 Brian Austin
My base decal got me off with a warning one time in Wa State. But another time in AZ, i had the not so good luck of being stopped by a patrolman who was a former Marine who "didn't care much for the Navy", no warning from

Suspended Profile
It's a double edged sword!
PO2 Heather Parobek
I have Vet plates on my car. Pretty sure that's saved me from a few speeding tickets over the last 7 years. Oops.
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