Posted on Nov 2, 2016
SPC Armor Crew Member
I just recently came up on orders to Germany next year, and I seriously couldnt be more excited about it! I am currently going through the EFMP process since my wife has certain health issues (mild asthma, PCOS), I learned today that if where I am going (Grafenwoehr) dosent have the nessecitites to tend to my wifes medical needs, that i may be re assigned to a different assignment that DOES have what she requires. Now the question here is, and im sorry if this is a really stupid question but I cant seem to find an answer for it...Will they try and re assign me to a different part of Germany? Or will that be completely out of the question? Right now I am trying to get all the info I need before I PCS. Any info that anyone can help me with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
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Responses: 12
SPC Armor Crew Member
Just got the word a few days ago that she was approved! Glad i got that out of the way. Thanks everyone for your inputs!
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SFC David McMahon
More than likely you will be reassigned in the States.

I will tell you this is...well to put it lightly, retarded.

I sincerely doubt your wife has an issue that the Germans can not accommodate but unfortunately the Army doesn't look at it this way.

But to answer your question, if denied, you'll be reassigned CONUS (sorry dude).

Grafenwöhr, other than Ramstein (which you will be assigned to), is fairly built up as opposed to Ansbach or Baumholder.

Group is out of Stuttgart but unless you've got wings on your chest, you'll likely never be stationed there.

Sorry brother. Germany is a great assignment, I wish you luck.

If by chance you get the assignment and have questions, shoot me a PM with your concerns.

Be safe!
SPC Armor Crew Member
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It would suck if i couldnt but it isnt the end of the world. I actually havent been denied or approved its still in the process, but thanks for the advice sergeant i will definitely do that if it comes to it.
SFC David McMahon
SFC David McMahon
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - I'm retired dude, Dave will just fine. It's not that

And you got a good attitude, keep that and either way it will work out!
SGT Section Sergeant
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SPC (Join to see) - when I moved to Germany my wife had an efmp and so did my step son and both got approved that was in 2012
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SGT Military Police
This does not answer your question, but my spouse has nearly the same issues (mild asthma and endometriosis, which is similar enough it is often mistaken for PCOS), and we were still allowed to PCS to Ansbach (less than two hours from Graf, with far less in the way of medical amenities). Essentially, you need the installation to have a gynecologist who's familiar with the condition (most are). I would recommend contacting the EFMP coordinator in Graf and see if the post can accommodate you. If they can, I would politely advise branch of such.
SPC Armor Crew Member
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Oh ok that is good to know, thanks!
SPC Armor Crew Member
SPC (Join to see)
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If you dont mind me asking, how is your wifes asthma over there? We are currently at Fort hood, tx and here she always gets flare ups.
SGT Military Police
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SPC (Join to see) - , I added you as a contact so I can reply to your inquiry in a private forum.
SPC Armor Crew Member
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SGT (Join to see) - Ok cool i added you
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