Posted on Aug 7, 2014
Juan Williams says jailed Marine in Mexico as not ‘serious’
Fox News Contributor Juan Williams truly stepped in it. On Monday evening Williams, appearing on the O’Reiily Factor with host Bill O’Reilly and fellow contributor Mary Katherine Ham, made a disparaging remark about Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi.
To Juan Williams, an unlawfully detained combat veteran Marine with PTSD is “not a serious issue.” This is appalling to say the least. When will this administration act to recover this Marine. Or is he truly a non issue to the left leaning media and this administration.
To Juan Williams, an unlawfully detained combat veteran Marine with PTSD is “not a serious issue.” This is appalling to say the least. When will this administration act to recover this Marine. Or is he truly a non issue to the left leaning media and this administration.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Unfortunately, he is NOT unlawfully detained. He very obviously broke Mexican law when he crossed into Mexico witih firearms. However, the issue at hand is did he do it intentionally with intent to sell (which is what that law is meant to stop) which SHOULD be punished, or was it a simple accident that should be dismissed in court? Compounding the issue is the very corrupt Mexican legal system. Had this occured here in the US, it very likely would have been thrown out in the arraignment.
COL Randall C.
What really gets me about the situation is that when the reverse happens (Mexican soldiers/law enforcement cross the border in this direction) it never even goes to arraignment. They might be detained up to a few days to determine if they actually committed any crimes in our country, and if they didn't, they are sent back across.
If you listen to the circumstances closely and followed it in detail, you will see the true injustice with this Marine. The Mexican government and officials want a pay off. Our government doesn't give a crap! Now ask why? Illegal immigration? Fast and Furious? Cartels? But should a American citizen and Vet be held over a mistake or wrong turn. Juan Williams go to Mexico and find out, take Ham with you. Fox News is the only one putting pressure on this, so don't expect the presidents pundents, to help because of Fox. They can violate that border anyway they want but, the Gobernment won't do a dang thing to stop it. We send their police and military back within 72hrs When they accidently cross. That's how much your government cares for your rights.
LTC Paul Labrador
I think what is the driving this is an attempt by Mexican authorities at exerting their sovereignty and standing up to the Gringos up north.
SFC Robin Gates
Personally LTC Labrador I think it's the corrupt cartel way and they want total control. Our leaders are to politcally correct, want the illegal vote, and spineless to stop the influx. The Mecican government is not going to stop all the revenue and drug money coming back or they would colaspe! This government doesn't care unless your foreign sad to say..,Those border governors, cops, sheriffs know the deal. That Marine is a pawn, nothing more! Pathetic
Capt Jeff S.
I think what's driving it is Mexico still upset about getting their asses kicked for what they did at the Alamo... and for our taking territory away from them as terms of their surrender. They call it Aztlan and still think it belongs to them. Spoils of war.
Had Mexico not taxed the people in Texas as heavily as they did (without representation - hmmm) the Texans would have stayed loyal to Mexico.
Had Mexico not taxed the people in Texas as heavily as they did (without representation - hmmm) the Texans would have stayed loyal to Mexico.
Juan WIlliams would not know SERIOUS even if it was looking him in the face.
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