Posted on Oct 1, 2016
If you're a prior service reservist and reenlist to AD, how much time to you lose, if you lose any?
For instance, you do 6 years in the reserves, get out and the decide to reenlist to AD, will they consolidate all your time you spent in the reserves?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I can actually speak from experience on this one. There are some things that get your BASD and the like. One thing that does not change is your years of service for pay. Time for retirement is affected but not time for pay.
SN Kevin Neff I believe the only consolidation in a Res-to-AD enlistment would be the retirement points you have already earned as a reservist. You would still be required to complete 20 years AD for pensioned retirement before age 60. Check with a Personnel Tech to be sure. As a reservist you can retire after 20 years of combined Res and AD duty (Ret-2 no pay status) with limited benefits, and you would have to wait until 60 to collect retirement pay (my situation).
Capt (Join to see)
I believe the time in the Reserve may count toward where you fall on the pay scale (years served) but it will not count toward retirement at 20 years.
That said should you serve say 10 years n active then return to Reserve you would then have 16 good years toward retirement under the reserve retirement option.
That said should you serve say 10 years n active then return to Reserve you would then have 16 good years toward retirement under the reserve retirement option.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
Capt (Join to see) - with 3,650 additional retirement points (1 point per day) to add to the kitty. At $.25-30/point that can add up, depending upon final paygrade.
Capt (Join to see)
Yes. I had 14 years + active time, 8 1/2 Reserve. Wound up at approx 41%.
BUT, remember you must have at least 8 years Reserve to retire under that program. 19 active and 1 to 7 reserves will not do it.
BUT, remember you must have at least 8 years Reserve to retire under that program. 19 active and 1 to 7 reserves will not do it.
CPT Lawrence Cable
I believe that you get credit for all your reserve time at the rate of one day per point, or a day for each unit training assembly (or whatever they call them today). So if you have 5 years Reserve or Guard and didn't do any additional duties, you should have at least 390 points (15 membership points, 48 uta's drill weekends and 15 days annual training). That should give you a bit over a years credit towards retirement. You are correct that time in service for pay does not change whether active or reserve.
It depends on what your time IS. If you have been mobilized and deployed the whole time it will all count as AD time. It's a case by case, record by record evaluation.
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