Posted on Sep 27, 2016
Trump, Clinton or Third Party, are you sticking with your candidate after the debate?
Responses: 71
I didn't see anything that would flip either side. Trump didn't mug or roll his eyes. Clinton didn't fall down in a spastic fit. And neither delivered a knockout punch. In other words, they didn't make the choice easy. We all will have to hold our noses when we vote regardless of our choice
SGT Mark Rhodes
CPT Jack Durish - We have two choices one of somewhat different direction and the other of pure evil. I think I will have to go with the somewhat different direction person or this country will be more Fubar than it already is
my vote is fixed on Trump although I feel Hillary kept her composure as well as she ever has and Trumps insertions were sometimes annoying !!!
SGT Robert George
SGT Gregory Lawritson - Thanks brother ,You mentioned points that should be considered and at this point he can only improve in the next debates !!
COL Lee Flemming
SGT Gregory Lawritson first time on stage? He has been running for President since the year 2000. I applaud you for supporting him...but his preparedness was lacking and his outbursts were more than annoying -- they were juvenile and almost unbecoming...I hope he does better in the next debate.
COL Lee Flemming
SGT Gregory Lawritson - great points Sir!! The race is tight and it's going to be interesting to see who pulls it out!
SPC Kevin Ford
MSG (Join to see) - I've found most of the "she hates the veterans" comments to be about the D as her party affiliation. It hits pretty much every Democrat regardless of what they do.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SPC Kevin Ford - Racist..Because he wants to, in agreement with the majority of the nation, secure the borders? Or is it that he wants to vet for terrorists those coming from Syria and the mid east that have been attacking in europe and raping women in Germany????
Stop drinking the damn Kool Aid
Stop drinking the damn Kool Aid
SPC Kevin Ford
SSG Roger Ayscue - No, racist because I listen to all the non policy stuff that exits his mouth.
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