Posted on Sep 26, 2016
What are your pro&icons from experience, for going from reserve to active duty?
Responses: 2
unless it is a critical MOS for Active duty it is nearly impossible to get back to active duty from the reserves. Have you talked to anyone yet? Every once in a while you will see a list come out with rank and mos needed for active duty but the past years its been very hard especially with a draw down in effect.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC (Join to see) - No you misunderstood, per Army Regulations if it's been 5 years since you attended AIT and BASIC, you have to attend BASIC and AIT again, if it has been I think 3 years since AIT, you just need to attend AIT again.........though I am not sure of the AIT requirement. I am certain of the Basic Training requirement. The Active Army Recruiter will tell you. Unless this has changed since the last time I asked my USAREC coworkers (2010). It might have changed in the last 6 years.
Thats what I am saying your in the same boat as a Veteran that has left completely and wants back in if your over 5 years since your training and you might not get Army Band MOS since your training has expired........your starting new according to the Active Army. Something for you to think about because I think the ranks above SSG for Band are limited at best. Do you really want to stay Army Band career wise? Also and this is very strange. If they allow you the transfer your 8 years TIS goes through some bizzario Army Formula to become TIS for Active Duty. 8 Years NG drill attendence does not equal 8 years Active Army Service for retirement. Make sure they do this, you understand what the formula is, and they transfer it to your DD214 for Active Duty. Remember not everyone on Active Duty has fabulous math skills so you need to double check their math on TIS. Mistake was made by NG for initial OSUT training and I had to go for a correction...........which is a total pain in the ass to fix. Every day counts.
Thats what I am saying your in the same boat as a Veteran that has left completely and wants back in if your over 5 years since your training and you might not get Army Band MOS since your training has expired........your starting new according to the Active Army. Something for you to think about because I think the ranks above SSG for Band are limited at best. Do you really want to stay Army Band career wise? Also and this is very strange. If they allow you the transfer your 8 years TIS goes through some bizzario Army Formula to become TIS for Active Duty. 8 Years NG drill attendence does not equal 8 years Active Army Service for retirement. Make sure they do this, you understand what the formula is, and they transfer it to your DD214 for Active Duty. Remember not everyone on Active Duty has fabulous math skills so you need to double check their math on TIS. Mistake was made by NG for initial OSUT training and I had to go for a correction...........which is a total pain in the ass to fix. Every day counts.
SFC(P) (Join to see)
SPC Erich Guenther - Your TIS never changes unless you get completely out. Now you are correct on The Active Duty retirement scheme is totally different. If you go into HRC it has an automatic calculator in My Portal that shows you how many Active duty years you have towards retirement so as long as everything you have done in your time is in the system that will be correct. Even IRR time is included in TIS as long as you were on contract and dont have time lost your TIS will be from when you first signed your contract.
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