Posted on Sep 25, 2016
I am reclassifying to 14E. What should I expect from AIT and from my unit?
I'm beginning AIT this November for 14E, and I've been having a hard time finding any clear answers on what to expect from it as MOS-T. What should I look forward to in AIT? Is there any sort of material I can look over to ease the transition?
Secondly, what should I expect at my unit? I'm heading to Fort Bliss afterwards, but I've only ever been able to talk with 14Ts. What duties should I expect as a 14E?
Secondly, what should I expect at my unit? I'm heading to Fort Bliss afterwards, but I've only ever been able to talk with 14Ts. What duties should I expect as a 14E?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 14
I dont know what your current MOS is but the institutional knowledge for 14E is different than the operational knowledge. As another NCO stated previously, learn the Big 4. You may not be on a van (ECS) crew but that still leaves 3 other pieces of equipment. All of which are equally important. The 3-01.86 is your best friend, read it! Additionally you may end up in the system maintenance section. I also noticed a statement regarding the low promtion points. As a transition Soldier, you need to worry a whole lot less about promotion and a whole lot more about learning you new job. Learn everything you can, while you can. It wont be long before you find yourself on the far right of the squad! 11th BDE likes the operational environment! Field and deployments are sure to be frequent. I hope you like the beach...there is lots of it. Just no ocean!
PFC Pamala (Hall ) Foster
Radar Array circuits, Radar Array, EPP, MAST...can't remember the last one of the Big 4, but you are right. Desert for weeks on end, deployments and study hard.
I'd rather be with the grunts. No offense guys but I hated my time in ADA. I often wondered if 14 was the required GT score.
PFC Pamala (Hall ) Foster
I got injured and when I did-a few took a perverse joy and tormented me with 'Don't break a hip' or 'Duck faster'. That last one really Ticked me off due to the fact my eye was damaged and a severe concussion resulted-besides few seemed NOT to give a rat's---. Many NCO's are there to get paid. Some DO give a damn and mentor. Treat the FEMALES in your section with respect because we are few, but WE NETWORK and learn how is the Maggot and who is the BEST. When we find out, ALL females in the 14 Series are alerted. I missed JAG by 1 point and they put me there. Army enlistment was NOT a mistake, but some in 14 Series NEED to get an education in discipline, RESPECT and what it means to be part of a team. The greatest NCO's I had were (now are WO)-Chief Perrine, Retired SSG Leis, WO Chief Gregory, SSG Ghee (these 2 saved my life a few times and I still owe them a large debt of gratitude because I am now readying for a challenge: Starting a ranch for Battered and Abused families). And I think you were one of my NCO's in 2008 to 2009. And YOU along with SGT Turrner (if I remember his name right) kept me from going off on Spillane if I remember right...OMG, were you 3/43 or 2/43? My last name was Hall-now it's Foster.
Old 24T here. 11 BDE loves going to the field, learn to embrace the desert! Learn the Big 4. ECS, EPP, Radar, and AMG. The school environment is more about the academics, so the environment is more like permanent party. Ft. Bliss itself is, as I said earlier, located in the Desert. Ft. Bliss and El Paso have all the typical entertainments you would find near any military base. This one has the distinct misfortune to be located right across the boarder from Juarez. Not a safe place and don't even think about it. When I was there, it was party, it's a drug war gone apocalyptic.
For the job, Read, learn and live:
TC 3-01.86 PATRIOT Gunnery program
These are the bible of what constitutes success as a PATRIOT Missile soldier.
A typical unit is no better or worse than any other. Some soldiers who reclassify out of more regimented combat arms (Infantry, Armor, Cav, etc.. have a tendency to comment on what they perceive is a "lack of discipline" in the ranks and have a whole lot of definitions for what ADA stands for. My personal favorite was "Another Damn Army" coined by my buddy who came in from the 504th PIR.
Your job will be whatever the needs of the unit are when you arrive. You might be put in the Fire Direction Center, or a Fire Control platoon in a battery. If that happens your job will focus mainly on the tactical operations of the system and Table VIII. ( See above).
If you are assigned to a maintenance section, you will focus on the technical functionality, diagnostics, troubleshooting, repair and replacement of components and the overall maintenance of the system.
For the job, Read, learn and live:
TC 3-01.86 PATRIOT Gunnery program
These are the bible of what constitutes success as a PATRIOT Missile soldier.
A typical unit is no better or worse than any other. Some soldiers who reclassify out of more regimented combat arms (Infantry, Armor, Cav, etc.. have a tendency to comment on what they perceive is a "lack of discipline" in the ranks and have a whole lot of definitions for what ADA stands for. My personal favorite was "Another Damn Army" coined by my buddy who came in from the 504th PIR.
Your job will be whatever the needs of the unit are when you arrive. You might be put in the Fire Direction Center, or a Fire Control platoon in a battery. If that happens your job will focus mainly on the tactical operations of the system and Table VIII. ( See above).
If you are assigned to a maintenance section, you will focus on the technical functionality, diagnostics, troubleshooting, repair and replacement of components and the overall maintenance of the system.
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