Posted on Sep 8, 2016
Where can I find TAC (Tactical Command Post) doctrinal information and/or SOPs?
I was just named the TAC OIC for my unit while I wait for a platoon to open up. I want to root myself in some doctrinal knowledge IOT build my own SOP. I cannot pin point a manual that gives this information for the life of me. Also, if there is anyone with an SOP that they previously used, I would love to take a look. Thanks in advance!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
There is very little general and relevant written info for current operations TAC or TOC as they are used in the modern army..(or at least as of 2013 there was not).... Its all pieces and parts. My last duty was the 1CD G3 SGM, as part of the the D Main and D Toc and forward Tac were all mine. further last deployment to afghanistan , As we were the command element for RC East, I ran the Joint Tactical Operations center as the SGM.. Its all Unit level SOP, and then your war fighting functions and operations process are based on individual and specific doctrine, over all you build your SOP for the specific unit as it is, not as it was planned, for the mission you have, not what a book says it should be.
It won't be "your own" SOP when you create it. Don't do any thing in a bubble either.
You can also look here. As far the SOP- unit to unit.
CPT (Join to see)
There's always someone that has an answer for everything. He asked for TOC doctrine. There's a few references. If you are really in a pinch- talk an NCO who has been to battle staff. Find a recen CCC grad. The bottom line is TOC / TAC is just one of those vague topics.
CPT(P) (Join to see)
That specific ATP is what I was looking for as far as a foundation. CALL is another resource I hit up, but the search engine is a little finicky. I'll try again
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