Posted on Sep 8, 2016
Does anybody know if the Ram's Head badge is ever going to be authorized for wear by active component Soldiers?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
No it isnt..... I have been looking for a way to wear my rams head for years. First world problems.....
They are still working on finishing it. The school 3 OIC stated that it was still in the process for approval, waiting for the updates to the awards process. Still just limited to certain states in the Guard/Reserve for wear, and even then people still don't put it in the right order of precedence.
The badge is authorized for wear on the uniform of Vermont National Guard soldiers and those Army National Guard units belonging to the 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Mountain) from other states, such as:
1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain) (CT NG)
1st Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment (Mountain) (CO NG)
3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain) (NH NG, ME NG, and VT NG)
1st Battalion, 101st Field Artillery Regiment (MA NG and VT NG)
State awards for ARNG soldiers. Army National Guard personnel are authorized to wear State awards under applicable State laws or regulations when assigned to the ARNG under the command and control of the Governor or Adjutant General, under the provisions of title 32, United States Code.
1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain) (CT NG)
1st Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment (Mountain) (CO NG)
3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain) (NH NG, ME NG, and VT NG)
1st Battalion, 101st Field Artillery Regiment (MA NG and VT NG)
State awards for ARNG soldiers. Army National Guard personnel are authorized to wear State awards under applicable State laws or regulations when assigned to the ARNG under the command and control of the Governor or Adjutant General, under the provisions of title 32, United States Code.
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