Posted on Jul 27, 2014
PCS/Retirement/Wedding/Birth Gifts: How do you pay for it?
I have seen different units handle PCS/retirement/wedding/birth gifts differently. Some require everyone to put money into a pot every quarter to pay for them. Others pass around the hat and based off rank they put in a certain amount. Yet others everyone puts in same or whatever they want. And others require everyone to put in a once and done amount (essentially paying for their own gift).
How does your unit do it? Do you agree with it? If not how would you improve it?
I ask as I have seen some PCS within a year and not put in much money while others have been there for years and put in more money than they will ever receive.
How does your unit do it? Do you agree with it? If not how would you improve it?
I ask as I have seen some PCS within a year and not put in much money while others have been there for years and put in more money than they will ever receive.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
One unit had a private pass around the hat. This was the one I gave happily. Another unit would ask SPC and below to donate, junior NCOs had a "suggested amount" and SNCO/Officers had a "suggested amount". This was the one I gave to begrudgingly.
I prefer asking a private to pass the hat around. No one is going to feel compelled that way. I did not prefer to have anyone pressured. I recognize that some people have challenges.
I prefer asking a private to pass the hat around. No one is going to feel compelled that way. I did not prefer to have anyone pressured. I recognize that some people have challenges.
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