Posted on Jul 26, 2014
SSG(P) Highway Operations Nco
I am settling into my new unit and have been notified that I will take on the unit Defense Travel System (DTS) NCO position. I didn't even know that was a duty position! Nonetheless I've taken on the challenge to revamp and repair this hurting system which my unit seems unaware of how to accurately use. I am in USAREUR USAG Grafenwoehr are there any suggestions for business rules or SOPs which I can refer to begin writing my own unit SOP regarding DTS? Battles, I understand this is a critical aspect of the unit which affect everyone from CDR to 1SG down to the lowest ranking PVT, so any helpful information would be appreciated!

Posted in these groups: 34da1b05 Defense Travel System (DTS)DFAS
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Responses: 5
SSgt Structural Craftsman
I am still trying to get used to the system, we mostly go to one of our civilians thats been here forever to get help with it.
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CPT Jacob Swartout
When I arrived to my current unit,i the BN RMS position was getting ready to be abolished soon. So between myself and the outgoing XO we had to pick up DTS which was a full-time job on top of ours. So busy days and sometimes long nights too to get caught up on work that I didn't get to earlier. DTS in my unit is constant and at times it took up 75% of my day dealing with the vouchers, authorizations and multiple emails and calls to help out Soldiers with their DTS issues. Good thing is our BDE assigned an RMS for our unit specifically. I still have to approve orders and vouchers on my level however, the DTS voucher and authorization reviews and issues go the BDE RMS now.

Normally a S3 OIC in a unit wouldn't be dealing with DTS as it is very time consuming. It has always been an NCO in all my units in FORSCOM. At times, it is someone who is getting ready to retire or someone as I your case, who has to fill the job for those who go on TDY to schools or courses.
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Cpl Ryan Minson
Depending on what permissions you will obtain R/O or ODTA will determine really what you should be supporting in your SOP. If you Google "I MEF DTS" Help desk, they have video tutorials on how to do everything. So a lot of the minor problems that your travelers will have this will solve. As to your actual SOP you should probably wait and sit back to observe the current issues and possibilities for improvement then start modifying it. The SOP could change on a case by case basis so you'll want to be broad in your SOP.
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