Posted on Sep 1, 2016
What are you doing to promote September Suicide Awareness Month?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Personally, one generally hears about these sorts of monthly or daily pronouncements through the media. I've not seen anything yet to let the American public, en masse, know of this month's designation. What am I doing about it? Outwardly, probably little. But I have been (or was, anyway) physically surrounded by this human tragedy for decades in my career. I am very sensitive to it, BUT I also know beyond any shadow of a doubt how extremely difficult it is to detect. I've read about all the warning signs. I know that a person set upon his or her own demise is fully capable of disguising their intent and carrying their intentions out at a time and place of their choosing. I investigated hundreds and hundreds of them, sometimes relatives and close friends. Barely a one was not a surprise.
Attending "Suicide Awareness" training.. On a more serious note, I make it my business to be there for those who are struggling with PTSD and several other factors. Life outside of the military, PTSD or not, can be tough. Employment opportunities are not as plentiful as we'd like to believe when we are getting out. Getting back into the military can prove impossible with current manning. Many Veterans can feel lost, hopeless, and helpless. Making it your business to be there for others and connecting them to those who can help them and provide them with professional help is important. You will never feel more rewarded than knowing you potentially saved someone's life..
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