Posted on Aug 16, 2016
How many of you would rejoin if given the chance?
Responses: 33
The scariest words I ever heard: "Men retire, men die". They're scary because they're true. Our lives are defined by what we're doing. Ask a woman what she is and she'll likely answer, "Mother", "Wife", etc. Ask a man and he'll respond with his occupation. So let retirement be your entree to a new career. I made my writing. It was a lifelong dream interrupted by the responsibilities of family. To a businessman, time is money. To an artist, money is time. Although not flush with riches, my retirement income is sufficient to fund my craft.
My colonel continued to work in the office for two weeks after he retired. Said he was avoiding his wife.
I would take a major pay cut to serve again--but only in the right specialty. Intel gathering, especially airborne, especially launching off of carriers, is KICK ASS!
I would take a major pay cut to serve again--but only in the right specialty. Intel gathering, especially airborne, especially launching off of carriers, is KICK ASS!
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