Posted on Aug 8, 2016
When should a Government Travel Card (GTC) be active?
I'm a national guardsmen attending a reclass school. I was of the understanding that my GTC would be active for the duration of my time at reclass. Instead, my unit will only activate the card for my two travel days to and from school. Is that how it's supposed to work?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
right before you are about to travel , you should be able to use it for hotel or gas money as long as you bring a copy of your receipt you should be good.
No the policy states that the card will be active for the duration of you TDY or move. Basically from point A to point B. What your unit did was incorrect.
That is a unit SOP practice. Done to protect the SM from himself/herself.
SGT (Join to see)
Makes sense. I must just have misunderstood when it was available for use. Thank you SFC Hamilton.
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